A cool bike gadget

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Well-known member
May 19, 2008
I just thought I'd share a cool gadget that I've been using for a while. Its called "Cardo Scala Rider Q2" It features Bluetooth for answering your phone, A FM radio for listening to your favorite radio station, and best of all, communication with other people that have the same unit. Kajer and I both have one, and when we ride we're able to talk over 1/4 mile away. They have a newly updated version that allows you to plug in your MP3 player as well!

More info available here

How does it work at speed. Can you here everything. I was looking at the new Chatterbox XBi and the Scala that you have.
It's great, it's mono sound, but has two speakers... I was chatting up dave_xb12r while blowing past him at 135 (him doing 70ish)
I hear the chatterbox is CRAP and totally not worth it. The Cardos on the other hand are reasonably priced. You can get one for around $170 online, or 2 for $350. The Multiset comes with the MP3 connectivity. So basically, for the price of one chatterbox, you can get 2 cardos.

As far as noise goes, its all about how much wind your helmet lets in. As you can see in the pic, I have that NOJ thing on my helmet. It was $20, and its easy to install and blocks the wind almost completely. There is another option called the "quiet rider" which is made of neoprene.

Another thing about the cardo that's cool is the noise reduction. It hears how much noise is going on around you and boosts the volume accordingly. It also has built in noise cancellation so people on the other end of your phone can't even tell you're on your bike at 85mph. I'm always having to tell people that I cant take a number down or something like that because I'm riding my bike at the time, and they are always surprised.
Sorry, couldn't edit. Apparently the chatterbox is not as expensive as I thought, but still, I like the cardo
Now that is some high zoot, double throw me down technology,why it is even like being at the office; oh wait, that is exactly why I have a bike isn't it? To get away from it all. And before this gets misinterperted, this is what makes bikes and bikers so neat, the common thread that brings us all together, the bikes and in OUR case Buells and their individuality. Keep it upright!!