a couple of questions charging & MAF

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Nov 30, 2009
I woke up my Buell after a long winter nap, went for a 10 mile ride... and by the time I hit my drive way my volts were down to 12.1 from 14.2 starting out. Over the winter it went into the dealer where they told me every thing in fine and it doesn’t charger below 3500rpm! (Can that be true?)

On to the first question:
1)I’m going to purchase a new voltage regulator, and has any one ever installed a computer style heat sink in-between the frame and voltage regulator?

1A) the old Buells & some Harleys you can purchase an engine fan to keep a brease running across the fins on the heads, could we do the same with the accerory plug and point it on the VR?

2) I took off my seat and noticed during the last dealership visit they must have taken off my air box, is it bad that my MAF sensor is not plugged in?
The CR's should charge simillar at all speeds.

Mine dropped a stator segment and was charging low at idle but "almost" full above about 3500rpm.
New stator...14.3 at idle..while driving..from 14.3 to 13.4...up and down in a wave motion, just like the original stator used to do.

1. That's fine...but Buell used a heat sink compound between the frame and the regulator. The subframe is the actual heat sink.

1A. I installed a computer type cooling fan to blow down onto my regulator. .75 amp draw, forgot the rpm, but it blows pretty hard..
I turn it on when in traffic or hot days.

2. If you are speaking of the sensor that's attached to the back of the airbox..that's correct. It just sits there.
Should be pointed down though to keep water and other crud out.

With the frame getting to hot during a ride I thought the vein style heat sink might help dissipate the heat, acting as a copper buffer... I was going to pick up heat sick goo from best buy and use it on both frame and VR sides.
Dreamin, If you have a multi meter set to V-scale so a decimal point will show, locate your battery & attach to the Pos lead and Batt.Ground. Your Bike should Charge at least 14v at 1150 Rpms. Especally if you turn on the High Beam .even at idle. BUT first make sure your Battery is charged up .Remove charger start bike ,let idle,slowly bring up the throttle. Watch the meter.If at Say 3500Rpms theres only 12.7 with high beam on, you may have to turn off the high beam.Does it climb up in Volts? Now Say at 4500 Rpms 14.3 or So w/the high beam back on AND Tap the back brake pedal? Watch the numbers on meter. IF YOU don't have meter Maybe a harbor freight 20 dollar meter will be all you need. Make sure the Grounds are good as well BTW Mike has a Good deal going on his Bike, I do this to every bike i have ever had for the last 25yrs. The Regulators get a lot of heat and some are in a bad spot so a very small fan helps.But Thats another time! I just fixed mine last week. Got Lucky was just the Regulator( FOR NOW)I installed a volts Guage from Auto Meter & a oil pressure Guage as well, Took some work But Looks good & Functional. Post up and Good Luck!Welcome to the Forum.