about to take primary off AND replace it any advice????????

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2010
ok so i have to replace my primary cover the case cracked under the shifter joint screw

i ordered new one in black and new gasket as well any advice to replace these or insight
Read the manual just took mine off like hmmm ten minutes ago literally. Any questions you may pm me and ill respond as fast as I can.
if you haven't taken your clutch cable all the way off yet, do it. lay it out straight before you screw it in the new one. don't try to screw it in if it's still hooked to the lever or in the brackets. ez to cross thread. good luck [up]
Make sure to take your clutch ramp out, and follow the manual...it is easy if you do that. I didn't and I was cussing, until I read the manual :)

I know, if all else fails...
Clutch cable...seriously about finger tight, just enough to get the rubber to the case. I have about $160 into clutch cables at this point...
Tx- Make sure to replace the O'ring on the Clutch cable end going into the Primary housing. Might want to use a factory o'Ring on this area of the Bike instead of a hardware store part, Along with a New Shifter Seal as well.
NO sealant should go on the Clutch Cable Threads. Save the Old Transmission/Primary housing so it can be welded from the inside/outside for maybe use another year OR [hopefully] never needed for another time. Just as sure as you e-bay it or sell it something would/will happen and Dang wish I'd saved it.
Just slightly/OR snug Tighten the new one all around then retighten it to specs.
Removing the Clutch Cable Completely is a Better and Safer way to Reinstall it along with some Inox cable lube while it is off the bike does wonders for lever wear and cable wear also. Have picts if possible for others to see it may help someone else here on the Forum, post up when your complete.*Jimi
i will be picking up the new case tomorow from hd and start the work to replace it will take me a day or two to finish... I HOPE! ,,,,,,also the clutch lever was hit in the previous crash and has loosened up or has more slack and will only half way ingadge the clutch,,, can this possibly be tightened with the clutch adjustment in the primary,,,,, and is it possible the clutch cable is stretched and need to be replaced [confused][confused][cool][cool] and ill sell the primary to someone if someone needs ,,, i wont throw it away
many :p gott hit one time by drunk driver , one time i ****** up on a r6 5 years ago didnt get hurt to bad nothing like when i got hit by tha drunk now im recovered from june 4th wreck took 7 month allmost
gear up when u ride ! i used to live in italy and they love buells i didnt have mine but i would watch the riders they all ride race bikes cafe racers chrotch rockets ect. and they wear one piece suits everybody its crazy they r serious lmao