against the law to use brakes

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I have a hard time with that cop not admitting he was wrong and not apologizing. i get the feeling if it would had gone worst he would have lied to cover his ass. [mad]
Yeah i seen that a couple days ago, i left a comment on there.

Here is a important part from the article.
At first I was like, no harm no foul. But Judge Dredd wanted to dance and I learned a long time ago never go toe-to-toe with an angry cop and their gun. Now, I’ve got a meeting with an attorney later today. He even has a local news outlet setup for a brief interview. Stay tuned.

Glad he is trying to get justice.
thats just sad, Time after time of seeing horrible cop video's I'd be lying if I didn't say my trust in the law is not as solid as it once was.
the whole "riding on the white line" thing is a double edged sword. I understand he was probably doing it to keep from being seriously injured if rear ended, but then again he's way out of the line of sight. I prefer to ride in the left side of the lane, right in the line of sight.
Dad being a cop, ive got to be in on both sides ....I would've have checked for damages and then started right back at him with the whole bulldog act.
Surely he was pissed but only because he knew he just F'd he barks at the guy real hard to get out of it.

No damages, I would have at least lectured him just like some of them have done me about 'safe driving' practices and that he shouldn't have been follow too closely and so-on.

If i had damages I'd would start letting him know to get his insurance guy on the phone and so-on and tell him to get another officer on scene. Then start in with the lecture. lol
the whole "riding on the white line" thing is a double edged sword. I understand he was probably doing it to keep from being seriously injured if rear ended, but then again he's way out of the line of sight. I prefer to ride in the left side of the lane, right in the line of sight.

I agree. We need to be defensive but maintain a strong presence as well. Thats just inviting someone to use part of YOUR lane, but we are allowed to use all of it. Even though his lane position probably wasnt the best its not his fault for getting rear ended. Which is something Im sure we all agree on.
There's a lot of good and bad cops out there. I gotta say this guy was in the wrong from what I can see. Hell even if the guy did hit the brakes to try to get the cop to hit him, the cop is still at fault.
He clearly was following to close ! There is a lot of traffic the bike left a good buffer and was on the white line . If the cop were paying attention he could have avoided contact. Judging by his tone and aditude he knew he was wrong . He is also a cocky dick who will never admit he's wrong because he's a cop and cops are not wrong . He's on a power trip and is gonna bully the rider to save his ass . That's why he asks so what are we going to do here? Then after some bullying shakes the riders hand.
I have many cop freinds so I hate to come off as a anti fuzz kinda rant but this cop is wrong. Not that the rider deserves anything for the little tap other than a apology and repair damage if any. But the cop should be a adult admit he made a mistake apologies and face the music.
I don't understand why the guy would go along with the cop's attitude and leave like that. He had to have damages and I would gladly take those tickets along with a accident report written by another officer then go from there. Understandably the cop had a gun grabbing attitude so I don't believe I would want to be tazed but he was at fault.

Also I don't have a GoPro but all these videos where riders record and they are pulled over, why are the leo's so in their face about it? I have seen videos of guys that did nothing wrong be screamed at to stop recording.
[up]agreed ,the video should be brought the the deputy's sarge's attention . If there were any damages I'd request they pay to fix them or I would go lawyer up.

Police are working for the publics safety , his aditude was intimidating and uncalled for. I'm sure his department would not incurage his behavior .
Never pays to get into a verbal sparring match with a cop, much less an angry cop. Bite your tongue, live to fight mother day. This guy did exactly that, now he's taking it to court and looks to have a good case.