Air Box Mods

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The rear fender is an Ilmberger carbon fibre one.It doesnt actually extend as far as it does in the photo.I only placed it on top of the tyre, normally it would fit further back on the existing fixing points.Check out my other pics on American bike in England thread.
Thanks for the other info. I havent had a chance to take the bike out for a test ride yet so I am going to see how it runs first.
Is the remap an easy DIY mod with the ECMSpy cable?
Is the remap an easy DIY mod with the ECMSpy cable?
Just be careful and read up everything you can find, and you'll be golden. It's not as simple as loading program and modding maps and that's it, but with some time it's as effective as anything out there.

Most important thing is to save a copy of your EEPROM before doing any changes. That way you've always got it to fall back on. has the manuals if you don't have them and has some great info as well.
for you guys that just use a piece of the original airbox top traced to the footprint of the filter top, I see you use two bolts to hold it down. They appear to be directly above the two tubes that come up inside the does this all work? Where are the bolts attached?
for you guys that just use a piece of the original airbox top traced to the footprint of the filter top, I see you use two bolts to hold it down. They appear to be directly above the two tubes that come up inside the does this all work?

You have to re-route those two tubes that come up and inside the filter.

Where are the bolts attached?

The bolts are attached to a nut and washer that you will use to hold the new "TOP" of the Airbox and the original "UNTOUCHED" floor/base of the Airbox.
So the hoses are re-routed with the breather mod? Both of them? And the bolts I realize will hold down the top piece that's left of the airbox. What I'm asking for is exactly what they thread into, and how that is fastened, pics would be good too. Or are you saying they proceed through the bottom airbox plate and under there there is simply a washer and nut?
Here's something that should help out, click here to see the "How to crank case breather mod"

When doing the Airbox delete mod, you have to almost always do the crankcase mod, due to there not being any other place to run those hoses through the floor/base of Airbox without keeping the original set-up (in which would defeat the purpose of this mod) and then drilling new holes for the 2 screws, 2 nuts and 4 washers to hold the new fabricated Airbox top and floor/base together.

Hopefully I didn't further confuse you [confused]. If I have given false information, fellow buellers please feel free to correct me.

Thanks Rei
I havent done the breather mod on mine yet, but I simply fitted the two bolts straight through the airbox bottom plate with a locknut underneath and also a nut threaded all the way down onto the top part of the plate to keep them stable.The threaded bars were placed in a suitable position alongside the breather pipes.
Here are pics


Youre welcome,I think even if I didnt do the breather mod I would put the threaded bars in the position I did.Looking at others who havent,but have used where the pipes go,I think they are a little too far back and this could give problems holding it down at the front.Where mine are is solid and there is no movement at all
Hey Yorkshirelad, any chance you could advise on the length of the studs you used? I'm not near my bike but would like to pick some up on the way home.
lOOKS LIKE HE CUT 1/4" IN THREADED ROD TO SIZE. maybe even 3/8" rod.

Sorry for the caps.[smirk]
They are stainless 8mm metric because this is what I had laying around.As for the length I just cut what I had in half and that turned out OK.Im going to fit wing nuts to them when I get chance for ease of removal.