me, my wife and my dog was on a 6 hour trip from Louisiana to Texas were I was picking up my bike and my dog. well it was cold that day and all we have is a car and the bike so my wife and dog was in the car and I was in front on the bike. we had pulled over so I could warm up and so my wife could walk the dog. When she opened the door the dog jumped out the door and ran across the road, well there was a guy in a Lincoln truck that even though he seen the dog decided not to stop and hit the dog. Luckily the dog was ok and he came back over to were we was and I hoped on my bike no gloves or helmet freezing cold and hauled butt to to catch the truck that did it and i seen him up the road on the side of the road checking to see if my dog messed up his truck. As I passed by the truck i slowed down and gave his drivers door a swift kick then I pulled over to kick his head in and as I was getting off my bike he ran into his truck and sped off.