Ok besides the show and tell firearms do you guys actually do this crap. I mean come-on. Some idiot cuts you off because they are yacking on their cell phone are you are going to take out a windshield, door, etc... Not to mention the risk of getting arrested and charged with vandalism or other criminal charge. I get pissed too at poor driver behavior but I try to remember we are all human and make mistakes. Some more then others! But I am certainly not about to pull out my Sig in anger or frustration. If I am breaking leather it is because I fear my life and rounds are going down range.
And to throw stuff at people. What if you miss. What if the shattered glass hits the kids in the back seat. What if the nails flatten another 10 cars behind you as other people run it over. I don't know. Sometimes you just got to let stuff slide and realize people generally are bad drivers and to always have an out.
In fantasy land some of you have some great ideas, but I am not about to go to jail and lose my job because someone can't drive. Or risk harming innocent people.
Someone flips you off, cuts you off, acts like an idiot. Who cares. Let them get all stressed out and huff and puff. I have too much fun on my bike to let other idiots spoil what limited riding time I have!
Ok now that I am off my soapbox. I think BBs are the way to go. Generally won't damage like larger objects will. Small and easy to carry. Make a heck of a lot of noise hitting metal. And easier to claim it was something kicked up by your tire verse malicious intent.