Any one well versed in Mac and PC that could offer advice?

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Thanks again Dean... if I don't get something sorted out I will be in touch and send that drive your way.
I will check it out roxx thanks.

Flaya.. I tried rebooting and turning off and on in every possible order... still nada. Thanks for the info tho.
IF you send the Drive out DO not PAY for anything till Proof of recovery
I have had clients send drives away only to find out the Recovery Company's has nothing and still mislead them into paying .
Proof of recovery they can send you email with some files and also a Screen shot of your Data files
Find the disk utilities. (select the blue/light blue square face icon, Select the applications folder, Select the utilities folder)

Select the disk utilities icon.
On the left side, if you have the hard drive plugged in, you should be able to see it there, along with the mac's hard drive. select your hard drive if you see it there and then select repair disk button on the lower right side.after it's finished, it the eject button, unplug then plug it back in.... anything??? I definitely feel your pain.
Here's what I see on mine. Not quite 3 TB of drive space on this box.

Flaya I got as far as finding the drive in disk utiltie on the mac... but repair disk is greyed out and not usable... this is under first aid tab. Hmmmf
OK plug it in and then go to you control panel.Then go to system and security.Once there look to the bottom for create and format hard disc partitions.Open it up.Once open look at the top section for a partition/disc that has no drive letter.If there is one then at the lower section you will see it.If there then right click on the drive and go to change drive letter and path.Once it opens up then select a drive letter that is not already used.Then it should pop up and you will be able to access it.I hope this helps and you don't have a bigger problem.I swap hard drives around a good bit along with other hardware.It seems sometimes I need to reassign a drive letter to the drives.

Roxx I went to best buy and they had those hardrive docks. I bought one and that WAS the problem ALL my data is in tact..


Thanks everyone for you help and suggestions!!!
Thanks for the advice duc but it turned out to be a faulty controller in my hardrive enclosure.

That Thermalake Black was cheap Roxx and worked perfectly.

I am now making a back up for my back up so I dont have to panic like that again.

Again BUELLERS rock... Thanks!!!
sweeet that is one of the biggest thing about external enclosures. the controllers are cheap and fail i always recommend the docks and dual back ups , when mobility isn't an issues ,plus it is formatted in the os's native format
on a mac you can try running repair disk and see if that helps. it might fix an error on the disk. another option is in windows 7, if it doesnt recognize it in "my computer" run disk managment, it will show you all of the disks that are connected to the computer and their disk ID's. sometimes you will have to "initiaize" the disk before it can be used again in windows(really stupid i know, but sometimes it works) this happened with my media drive(lost all my movies, tv shows and 80GB music) with a little bit of time and persistence i finally was able to access my drive and repair it to back it up. i also used a program called HDD Regenerator, it basically "fixes" all of the bad sectors of the drive that can make it unreadable. took quite a bit of time and a lot of headaches to finally get a backup but i was very happy with the end result. i actually still use the drive today and do frequent backups of it. as soon as this drive goes bad i will be buying another 2tb hard drive and run a RAID1 array. good luck!