Any VROD owners??

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Ive always had a soft spot for the V-rods.
If i remember correctly weren't the Porsche designed engines supposed to be used by buell but was more or less commandeered for harleys vrod?
weren't the Porsche designed engines supposed to be used by buell but was more or less commandeered for harleys vrod?
Yes! There's an interesting documentary on the design process:

My stepson and I signed out a couple bikes from BlackHills HD last year during the Sturgis Rally. He took out the Vrod Muscle and we swapped out once. Fun bike with plenty of power and damn good looks. But like it was said before, the rake is too much to live with and the short bars with forward controls have you sitting all wound back sling-shot style. Yeah, i'm short legged, so I used the passenger pegs unless I was shifting. I like them for the most part tho, but I wouldnt personally buy one. I loved that LowRider!
Fine lunatic,
yes sir your smarter than I! Vrod if ridden correctly will waste an xb and as dragon viii enlightened me, a vrscr will actually handle every bit as good as a 1190 cr. Old dude was fast as f^#k!
Got it home yesterday. Poor thing kinda looks like a neglected puppy. All the aluminum needs cleaned up and polished, it needs a bath BAD!! seems it may have spent some time sitting outside :( its all good i got a smoking deal. Ran great on the test ride. Noticed on the test ride the throttle was hard to turn seemed a little sticky. When i unloaded off the trailer at home i did a quick more thorough inspection of the throttle and found the idle(return) cable had snapped and i dont think the throttle (pull) cable is far behind. So I'm glad i opted out of riding it 2.5hrs home. So up to HD this morning since its raining to get some cables. Already lurking on Got a long list of little things to do, but should be fun and should make a good bar hopper and bike rally bike. The ULY is still my favorite!!!
Vrod if ridden correctly will waste an xb and as dragon viii enlightened me, a vrscr will actually handle every bit as good as a 1190 cr
No doubt that a great rider on a V Rod will be faster in the twisties than a merely good rider on a Buell. Anything is fast with the right rider in in saddle.

But if, all-other-things-being-equal, a V-Rod were truly faster than a Buell, then the last 15 years of Erik's career would have been a complete waste. No need to develop the XB chassis. No need to source motors from Rotax. Just take the V Rod straight to the track & start lapping the field with it! :D
A vrod in a straight line will waste an xb. I own an xb12s with 9 gearing. The vrod is a drag bike. Any idiot can launch it, takes very little skill. The xb will try to pop up at first where the vrod will have a lil tire slip and rocket.
A vrod in a straight line will waste an xb
I didn't realize that we were talking about drag racing, but even in that realm, my experience riding both is that the V-Rod & the XB12 are pretty evenly matched, with the V-Rod maybe being marginally quicker (though that vid Greg posted shows otherwise).

Regardless, perhaps we just have different definitions of the word 'waste'. I'd consider a litre bike, for example, to 'waste' an XB, & a V-Rod too for that matter, whether the road's twisty or straight...
Any idiot can launch it
I hope SO!! :p as far a drag racing. ive ran ,my uly against 2 different night rod specials. From a dead stop they can out launch me no prob, but 20mph rolling starts i can occasionally edge out my buddy that weighs about 275 by a half a bike and my other buddy that weighs about 180 will start to outrun me at about 4th gear. (two friends with identical v rods, waaayyy too many harleys out there!!!) But anyways that tells me that at least the 1250cc v rods are very well matched to the xb12. Obviously my uly is a heavy 12 so lightnings and bolts may be able to run with them from a stop as well. Now this 1130cc that i bought is bit slower, but still no slouch, especially compared to your everyday 96inch HD.
What I've always enjoyed about my friends having VRODS is getting to ride with the harley boys and not having to wait for them all the time! :D

Got new cables yesterday and found the PO that installed the grips lost one of the cable ferrules (possibly helped ruin the cable) and broke the front brake switch and jammed it in the switch housing with a screw to make it work. So more parts and more work ahead. I'll have to post a pic of it when i finally get it at least washed!
What I've always enjoyed about my friends having VRODS is getting to ride with the harley boys and not having to wait for them all the time!
Haha, true. I recall being on a group weekend getaway through the mountains & a friend on an 883 came along; it was brutal! The rest of us finally gave up waiting for passing opportunities that the Sporty could manage. We'd just agree to meet up at the next gas stop.
aren't they like 45bhp stock?
I'm not sure of the exact output numbers, but that sounds about right.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking on the 883; I love anything on 2-wheels. I think it'd be a great little bike for urban jaunts, much like a scooter. I've considered buying one for that purpose many times before, but ultimately, there always seem to be much better used bikes out there for the same money.
My other bike is a 13 V-rod Muscle I use it for hauling the GF around. Runs pretty good now put an Akropovich pipe, K&N, and a tune on it. Made the bottom end more usable it was ruff below 3k. I am working in Arkansas now and im glad I brought the 07 STT, way more fun on these roads.
Got quite a bit of work done on the v rod. Fixed dents, painted body work, polished all the aluminum, lubed checked/replaced broken stuff. Still have to change the oil. Rode it to work the other day, fun bike! Been sick all week so haven't ridden anymore. So far I like it, but like the uly more :p. A pic:

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