Yes! There's an interesting documentary on the design process:weren't the Porsche designed engines supposed to be used by buell but was more or less commandeered for harleys vrod?
No doubt that a great rider on a V Rod will be faster in the twisties than a merely good rider on a Buell. Anything is fast with the right rider in in saddle.Vrod if ridden correctly will waste an xb and as dragon viii enlightened me, a vrscr will actually handle every bit as good as a 1190 cr
Looking forward to reading about your impressions; congrats!Got it home yesterday.
I didn't realize that we were talking about drag racing, but even in that realm, my experience riding both is that the V-Rod & the XB12 are pretty evenly matched, with the V-Rod maybe being marginally quicker (though that vid Greg posted shows otherwise).A vrod in a straight line will waste an xb
I hope SO!!Any idiot can launch it
Haha, true. I recall being on a group weekend getaway through the mountains & a friend on an 883 came along; it was brutal! The rest of us finally gave up waiting for passing opportunities that the Sporty could manage. We'd just agree to meet up at the next gas stop.What I've always enjoyed about my friends having VRODS is getting to ride with the harley boys and not having to wait for them all the time!
I'm not sure of the exact output numbers, but that sounds about right.aren't they like 45bhp stock?