Anybody in North Carolina wana start a MC?

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I use that term figuratively, as I am about as far from a man of the cloth as you can be.

What I meant to say is that it is clear no one has ever provided consequence to his actions. I think anyone that has had a gun barrel put to the back of their head, or been instructed to bite the curb, has a lot more respect for the power of words. Ask me how I know...

And I don't think anyone worries about it. We're not talking about a rider's group here. I know I still ride with whoever I want, whenever I want. We're talking about a MC. If you grew up in LA's K-town like I did, you'd realize that it's really important that you don't step on the wrong person's toes. It can end REALLY poorly if you're not careful. I lost a few friends who were just in the wrong place, wearing the wrong clothes.
Human beings can be really ridiculous if all it takes is some clothes to take a persons life, or even to bat an eye. These "humans" are no different than gorillas. Chest thumping idiots, at best. I can't imagine these people live happy lives. If you ain't happy, you ain't got ****.
Personally, I ride my motorcycle alone. I have no desire to ride with anyone else. I'd never join a club.
I'm sorry you had to lose some friends. That's really terrible. I know what that's like.

Aside from that, I fear god about as much as I fear the boogy man. I doubt you could be any further from the cloth than I.
It's a pleasure to meet someone as godless as I, then.

I agree. It's silly that people get as territorial as animals. Unfortunately, there are a few that ruin it for all. My only argument is that it's worth considering the implications of your words and actions. Not because it's "the right thing to do", but because there are some unruly idiots who would choose to hurt you or the ones you love. It's not about being scared or respectful, it's just about being smart.

And 08supermoto, I'm sorry that you obviously feel the need to compensate for something. What that is, I do not know, but rest assured, throwing around words like "******" and "pussy" does not convince us that you are the bigger man you so clearly want to be.
hey stupidmoto i may be old but when your little punk ass grows up and realizes your loud mouth and down the block **** talking is for ******* come see me.hell 8000 members on this forum for witnesses ill give you a thousand dollars to bring your ass to 3710 s virgina st amarillo you can talk to me face to face there it is tuff guy im waiting oh yea dont forget your lunch.
Well, I agree with your argument for sure. I just never would have thought starting a club would cause anyone to want to hurt you. But then again, I grew up in southern indiana. There were definitely some "g units" you didn't want to look at but none that would stab you for it.
I typically do not let it be known that I don't believe in the boogy man, because it leads to arguing. There's no point in arguing it, I've found. You can't convice a believer of anything when they aren't arguing with facts but only quote stuff from the bible(circular logic, it says it in the bible so it must be so). I really don't care what they believe anyway, but I feel like I have to defend myself. It seems to me it should be the other way around. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Supermoto is the type of person who's lead a sheltered life and never had the experience of tangling with these people. They don't give a **** if you ride your motorcycle down the street. My only point is the minute you make an MC you are a threat to them. A threat to the club, their reputation, and their business. It's disrespecting them in their eyes and respect is everything to them. The politics that goes on between all of the OMGs is just as complex if not more so then any you see in the government. Trust me super, you may think your hardcore **** riding your Buell, but the minute 5 of these guys have you cornered your going to be pissing your pants like a little girl. Trust me on this one, my Dad rode outlaw for 5 years and still will see these people, and so from an early age I was schooled on a biker code of conduct if you will. and as for Ankizm I learned the hard way that old age and treachery will trump youth and muscle any day.
yeah yeah tuff words from tx your scaring yourself old man relax you may run out of your blood pressure meds,ooh ur scaring me ,u should borrow your neighbors camaro throw your buell in the trunk and come n see me in jersey lol senior citizen lol lol
and bring octopussy with u :D:D:D[up]

oh yeah dave that goldwing if thats u i love it i seen that vid a while ago, ride it like u stole it huh
oh stop it nobody is gonna show up at anyones house tuff guy
say it with me super rooty tuity fresh n fruity
ihop man
but I do like the arguement[cool]SENIOR CITIZENS LOL
ooh u guys are mad :D:D[mad];)[mad][up];)
so is that a yes or a no.since dave is moderator as soon as you accept ill paypal him the money.if he dosnt show i would expect it back far as the plane ticket i would cover half if he dosnt guess is he wont and will hope everyone forgets in time.super some advice this is where your you show your metal,sand or grit as some old timers would say.and you will remember this choice down the road.and it will have a direct reflection on your core.i dout you understood any of that but there it is.ill add another 500.00
This thread deserves this

oh sooo tempting and your words assholeism there touching tryin to feed the flame u should let him hold your pacemaker he could add it to his an double the volts an really get cooking lol lol lol lol lol

oh this is great i love it

just tryna cover my ass
gotta go now its bike night by me im gonna go bother some jap bike guys keep it coming tho cant wait