i did before because the police suck around ma. the give tickets to prople fo no reson ,make you go to court and pay a fee if you win or loose,the cut you a deal pay 1/2 and go or pay a $50 court fee and go to court again and problely loose because you were on a bike. i got a ticket i had to go to cort 2 times for that was sent to me in the mail while i was in the hospital..i won but still lost cort fees and time and stress of going to fight it. 2 other tickets i was pulled over taking a break after a long ride in a safe place and accused of stunting and treated like i just robed a bank and screamed at and read my rights and told id never see my bike again then was just let go? and the last time i was turing around on a side street on my on /off road bike because it started to rain hard 1 mile from my house,i saw a cop car heading the other way from a intersection,i was in traffic going around a sharp corner with nobby tires,he tried to hit me while i was pulling over correctly ,kept me there for a hour yelling at me and threating me,said i was trying to out run him and i was doing 90..my data recorder on my bike said 30 since i left my house.i sat there and looked at the trail in the woods the went to my block and asked myself why..doing the wright thing is now very wrong.at cort i showed them the picts recorder and everything else i would need and still lost,i told them what the police were doing and got thrown out.they know whats going on..its all fixed,i guess all the ma. taxes crazy reg. fees and sticker charges arent enough $$$ to pay for are 3rd world county roads. so i went home put a switch to cut out the rear lights on my bikes and mixed up some tinted clear and sprayed my plates,i now wear black and know where all the trails back to my house are. did it a few times,its scary,i may get killed but either way its the police thats doing it...they use to have my complete respect...