Anyone every gotten away from the Police?

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would run when I was 17, but now if he flicks his lights on I pull over and have my coming to Jesus moment. They seem to much more kind to you if you do not make them chase after you. Saved me a ticket for 20 over last time.
i did before because the police suck around ma. the give tickets to prople fo no reson ,make you go to court and pay a fee if you win or loose,the cut you a deal pay 1/2 and go or pay a $50 court fee and go to court again and problely loose because you were on a bike. i got a ticket i had to go to cort 2 times for that was sent to me in the mail while i was in the hospital..i won but still lost cort fees and time and stress of going to fight it. 2 other tickets i was pulled over taking a break after a long ride in a safe place and accused of stunting and treated like i just robed a bank and screamed at and read my rights and told id never see my bike again then was just let go? and the last time i was turing around on a side street on my on /off road bike because it started to rain hard 1 mile from my house,i saw a cop car heading the other way from a intersection,i was in traffic going around a sharp corner with nobby tires,he tried to hit me while i was pulling over correctly ,kept me there for a hour yelling at me and threating me,said i was trying to out run him and i was doing data recorder on my bike said 30 since i left my house.i sat there and looked at the trail in the woods the went to my block and asked myself why..doing the wright thing is now very cort i showed them the picts recorder and everything else i would need and still lost,i told them what the police were doing and got thrown out.they know whats going on..its all fixed,i guess all the ma. taxes crazy reg. fees and sticker charges arent enough $$$ to pay for are 3rd world county roads. so i went home put a switch to cut out the rear lights on my bikes and mixed up some tinted clear and sprayed my plates,i now wear black and know where all the trails back to my house are. did it a few times,its scary,i may get killed but either way its the police thats doing it...they use to have my complete respect...
I have ran before, but it was when I was 18 on my Suzuki SV650. I just hit the freeway, did 130+ for a couple mins, didn't see the red and blues anymore, got off the freeway and turned around and road home like nothing happened. If you're going to run, just remember: don't stop. If ya don't stop, ya don't get caught. No cop car can keep up with any sportbike over 600CC if you know how to ride and aren't afraid to push the speedometer.
three days ago on the bike i was in the 130's heading o friends house and passed cop other direction. was only a few hundred meters from buddies neighborhood so i just skidaddled to his place and closed his garage door with the quickness. i have out ran cops on 95 ad various places in and around md va and dc using a 99 cougar, a pt cruiser, a 240sx, or my f150. got lucky a few times. the pt chase was hilarious. the cop came up from behind on semi back roads when i noticed a car gaining on me ( i was rolling 80 in a 40) so i cut off into some twisted backroads and just gave her all she had. cop never got close enough to id y car or get tags i kept some distance for about 10 mins i'd see his headlights coming into a corner as i was exiting (he never hit the red and blues). eventually got a gap and pulled off hit the lights killed motor and about 30 seconds later he flew by still chasing. i just made haste back home and called it a night lol. you can out run the radio. helicopters are a while nother issue.
The good thing about here in the killeen area is they usually will not chase you if you are on a bike.

also nuage I think I seen you on your bike a few days ago on post. As I saw a CF and red lightning around lunchtime on tank destroyer by the s curves
One time with a big group. We were doing around 90mph on a long 2 lane rode and a FHP passed us. I looked in my rear view and saw break lights and nailed it. I was on my R6 at the time. Everyone took off, I remember a Busa come past me like I was standing still, haha.
there has been alot of buells popping up. there is a blue 9r that runs up ad down hood street civilian owned. and a valencia orange lightning i've passed by around rancier a few timesnow. a yellow lightning spotted in te bed of a truck near the 3ACR AO. this guy mark i rode with once o a red 04 12r. talked to another guyw ho gave me a jump from his CR, he said e has a name on this site but hasn't used it much. one thing I haven't seen on post though is a 1125R. tere is also a badass polished 9R in the lemon lot with a acu paint job and everything polished. and what are you riding? I've been making runs down 2484 around 3pm when i have the chance after my classes. lemme know if you wanna join. it's decently twistie but te only local road worth hitting up. it's a know bike road to every time i've used it the cars see me coming and they just nonchalant pull to the right and slow down to let me pass. a couple miles are adopted roads by some bike clubs too.
I hit 2484 every now and then.

I have a red and black xb9r. Though yesterday and today are the first two days I have been on post with it.
In 2003 when I got back from the box I bought a 97 CBR F3. I was leaving FT Benning, GA going north on I-185 and I was hauling a** cause I wanted to get home. I was doing like 85-90, something like that when I look right and see a Georgia State Trooper coming off the ramp onto the highway. That was exit 3. As I was passing him I saw him stare and immediately pop on his lights. At that moment in time I felt like no one can touch me so I gunned it and didn't look back. I went all the way to exit 6 where I got off and dipped through a few streets where finally I got home and stuck the bike inside the apartment. As I got off the bike and shut the blinds I thought that was the dumbest thing I could've done. But it was worth it. He never found me by the way.
I did once. Just once. Nothing high speed though. I had a 1999 Suzuki SV650 in Michigan and while traveling on two lane blacktop out side of Lapeer a cop passed me and began to slow to turn around (I was going about 10 over) so I turned down a dirt road then onto a service road next to train tracks and stopped and got off the bike and laid it and me over in tall grass. The cop drove by and kept going never to be seen again. I wont try that twice though!
My niece's husband has never gotten a ticket or stopped doing as much as 180 on the highway. If his group gets light up, one of them stops and flashes his U.S Marshall badge.
Just stop, don't give any attitude and you will likely not get a ticket. This depends on the officer and the violation though. I have only pulled over one bike when I was working for a local PD and never issued him a ticket. I guess you have to look at it from their view. They are doing their job like everone else and trying to make a living. I am not speaking for all PO because like any other profession there are people who abuse, think they are above and abuse the privileges.
First of all, I was barely able to read some of the posts in this thread.

Second, Jon0341 is right. It depends on the cop. I saw a CHP doing at least 120 in the left hand shoulder chasing a GSX-R that was weaving through traffic. On the other hand, my CHP friend said he will never chase a bike if they start to run. He knows his cruiser has no chance to catch a bike and respects that. That being said, he also said, if said bike yields and stops for him, he will return that respect and most likely let you go.

Yes, it all depends on the cop, and you can't tell what cop you have until you're already running. Then, when you 'run', is when they start thinking you're a violent criminal and treat you as such if they get a hold of you.
I unknowingly escaped from a pursuit. I was on a 600 Ninja, on the highway running around 90 in a 65. I started to get this feeling that I should get off the road, so I took an early exit. I made a right, and another right into a dirt lot not visible from the highway. After I had gotten off the bike and stretched, I heard sirens screaming down the road. Right then I thought he must be after me, so I took the back roads to where I was going.
I received a performance award about two weeks ago for my local law enforcement representative. It was just something I had to accept, kinda like don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
My buddy just called me and told me that he had to put his money where his mouth was. He stopped a Yamaha something doing 95+MPH on the freeway. The biker stopped for him. The rider was calm and respectful, causing no problems. Sticking to his word, my buddy said he gave him a verbal warning, and let him go.

I told him I was proud and makes the rest of his agency look good.

[up] for cool cops!

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