Anyone every gotten away from the Police?

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I've done it in my car when I was younger, quite a few times. I don't go fast enough on the bike most the time to be pulled over LOL.

My car will do 160ish and is pretty comfy at that speed.
A guy I met at at the complex I used to live at said he pulled over as soon as he saw lights. He was doing about 80 in a 70. The cop arrested him, had his bike impounded and he spent the night in jail. $500 fine. Either this guy was lying about what happened or the cops mistook him for someone else who ran earlier.
Guys who run make it more dangerous for the rest of us.
Misplaced anger accompanied by a gun and badge is a dangerous combination.
Personally, I haven't had a ticket in 2 decades. Always gets warnings because I am polite and respectful. These days maybe less likely because of new ticket quotas to raise more revenue.
I never too honest. One screen capture of your plate and they will be waiting in your driveway within minutes.
7 Mary 3 will pull your ass ovah!

speaking of chases i got chased a while back , was ridin the speed limit decided to hit it , then slowed down. i happen to look behind me and i c the cheeries in the distance. so i said **** it im runnin. took a very sharp s curve onto the highway . as i got on the high way i look back and the cop hit the guard rail lol, on the first turn of the s curve. lol that made my night.
is it really safe to answer questions like these on the internet? i think we have all had our moments.
When you get to pull a dead body from a wreck caused by a fleeing felon, drunk driver and other such scum of the earth whether on a bike, car, etc, then let me know how smart it'd be to run. No not just a dead soccer mom or old grandfather, your worst nightmares will never equal seeing a young dead child still strapped in their carseat. Oh, to get the true sense of my anger, imagine them now without body parts, a head, their innards laid out like roadkill, or pulling their torso away from the steering post, thier complexion pale white from the loss of all their blood. Hopefully the vehicle didn't catch on fire so at least when they are removed, more body parts don't break off because they are burnt to a crisp. Hope that they didn't experience any pain as their vehicle crashed through NO GOD DAMN fault of their own. THEN imagine the look and anguish of their children, husbands, wives, when they get the news I don't wish on my worst enemy.

I love this site and I know this is an open forum. I am in love with my bike just as you are all with yours and I look forward to all the helpful topics related to our Buells. BUT, sometimes some topics are in bad taste and hit a little too close to home...[mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad]
as i got on the high way i look back and the cop hit the guard rail lol, on the first turn of the s curve. lol that made my night.

Classy **** right there. Real ******* classy.
Exactly 7Mary3 everybody hates the police for doing their job and trying to save a lifes (same for them stopping you for speeding). It is ignorance and the hype of the moment for some to run but they are essentially trying to stop you from becoming a statistic or road grime for that matter.
I did once when I was younger but don't think I ever will again. It wasn't even intentional when I did it. I saw lights behind me and my right hand just twisted the throttle. I wanted to stop the second it happened, but as soon as I did it I knew there was no way to change my mind and not have my ass handed to me in the process. I have a wife and a house now, so that really isn't an option anymore.

I live in the city now and cops actually have things to occupy their time, unlike when I lived out in the suburbs where you would get pulled over for no other reason than you were on a bike and they're hoping to catch you without an inspection or registration. There will always be people who run just because they want to, but if cops stopped pulling people over for the fun of it, I feel like a lot of people would stop running just because they feel like they have to.
Personally, I don't agree with running. I passed a cop late one night. He was sitting in the median and I flew by, spedo reading 93 mph in a 65. As I looked in the mirror I saw his brake lights come on and I pulled over at the next off ramp. By the time he pulled up the bike was off and so where my helmet and gloves. He thanked me for stopping, I explained that I was in a rush to get home before the rain caught up with me. He clocked me doing 85, I was honest and told him, my spedo read 93. We talked about the bike a bit, he was also pissed at Harley for what they did to Buell. I also didn't have my registration on me. He wrote a ticket for 80 in a 65 and a warning for the registration. He also told me that I "should" go to court, which I did and it was thrown out for faulty equip. Honesty and politeness will get you pretty far, try it out sometime.
Ok, so bringing a post back from the dead, I have done this a few times on my old turbo busa, and was never caught. The only time Ive actually ever been pulled over by a cop was pulling out of a Harley dealership while shopping for a CR back before the fire sale. There was a guy there with a turbo roadking, and he was asking me about my bike. At the time, I had it stretched just 2" over stock, and was explaining that even with that, if I warmed the tire up, the front end would still rise like nothing. So as I was leaving the shop, I locked up the front brake, and smoked the rear pretty good, then rolled up to the light.
When the light changed, I rolled into 1st pretty hard, and shifted into 2nd at about 10.5k, front end came up, I rolled off the throttle, and saw lights in the rear view. I pulled off the side of the road, and motioned that I was pulling into a parking lot.

Shut the bike off, tossed my key in the grass, took off my helmet off, and gloves, and stayed on the bike. The officer was smiling as he walked up, and we talked about the bike for awhile, and he asked if it scared me when the front end came up. I was honest, and explained that I had just been BS'ng with the guy at the dealership about the bikes, etc etc etc. Long story short, he told me to keep it safe, that he didnt have a chance to clock me, but if he did, he probably would have taken me to jail. Just gave me a warning, and sent me on my way after asking me to take a picture of him on my bike :)


Here is a picture of it before I sold it. I would never try to run from a cop on my Buell, but may duck out of the way on a side road of trail if I thought I had one looking for me.
This past summer I was out riding some back roads and I took off kinda fast from a stop sign. I got up to frobley 80 or 90 I thought and was letting off when I see a cop pop up around the corner. As soon as I met him I pulled over. The bike was shut off and I probley waited atleast a minute or 2. I was hoping he would take it easy on me since I pulled right over for him. I didn't say much of anything just gave hime my papers. I was a mp in the marines and I know. That being respectful goes a long way. I would never right someone a ticket if they weren't being an *******. He said he clocked me at 100 even which I was surprised and kind of impressed with lol. He wrote me for 100 in a 55. I got a lawyer and went to court about 4 times. I got it reduced by doing a defensive driving course and 30 hours of community service. It was reduced to 86 and I got to keep my license. It cost me about 350 to the court and 250 for the lawyer and now 200 a year to the dmv for 3 years for some new ******** law. Plus I don't know how much its cost me in insurance yet. If I were to do it again I would run in a heartbeat. I was never really sure about running on my buell cause its low top speed but in the situation I was in I would have easily got away.
I never run. its not worth my job, freedom, and most importantly, my life. So much easier to get a lawyer, or as I now affectionetly call them, Court Wizards, and get the ticket dismissed.


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