Anyone good with Photoshop?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2007
If so can I send you 2 pics so I can see what my Sunset Orange Ss will look like with a Kick Ash air box cover and black fender and chin spoiler?

YOU...ARE...THE...MAN LeFox[up]. I was just trying to use those 2 pics from Buells site but all I have is MS Paint[down]. I think I'm going to go ahead and go with a black fly screen too. I wanted to keep the Sunset screen because it has Erics autograph on it. Thanks again LeFox.
frame your autographed fly-screen...


also, get the housing of the odometer painted in black or the titanium (frame colour)
1st look at the end result...
although i would use the titanium instead of black for the odo-case

now you can remove both of these huge beltguards...
easy mods for an overall better look! [up]

Thanks again. Top beltguard is part of the fender on the Ss so I will just trim it just behind the rear mounting hole. I will also paint the subframe rails, tailpiece (thanks for chopping that off too), and odo-case graphite. The headers will be wrapped as well so there won't be any titanium on the bike at all. Thanks again for going above and beyond.

The headers will be wrapped as well so there won't be any titanium on the bike at all

to cleaify...titanium is the colour of the frame. (fueltank) ;)
i thought you ment that, that's why i wanted to clear things up a bit ;)


graphite is actuall darker
That's pretty damm funny LeFox... You wouldn't happen to have that pic without belt guards? I'm thinking to remove them when I hack off the strainer this winter.
ok...little fast patchwork, it's not perfect, but will give you an idea ;)


Thanks for asking MrOrange. I felt like I had already asked too much of our friend LeFox. I think it looks great w/o the belt guards and trimming the top one is definately on my list for winter mods but I don't think I want to risk debris getting between the sprocket and the belt by removing the bottom one.
I don't think I want to risk debris getting between the sprocket and the belt by removing the bottom one.

atleast make a window in it so it's not this huge plastic coverup...
you can still cover the hole with see-through plastic
atleast make a window in it so it's not this huge plastic coverup...
you can still cover the hole with see-through plastic

I've been thinking of a series of hole that would match those in the heal protectors.
the previous versions of the lower beltguard were smaller...
they started from wheel end to sprocket (dunno of you can see it here):

so maybe something like that?
otherwise i would make the inner part see-through.

don't understand why they made them that big [confused]
half the wheel is covered [down]
My guess is that they make 'em bigger because of potential liability claims. They made frame pucks standard on all bikes for '08 because they are working with insurance companies to find ways to make accident repairs cheaper. I know that Buell makes or made an aluminum lower guard that is small like the one you have pictured. that one would look sweet with hole to match the heel protectors.
Very nice... It really cleans up between the wheel and the swing arm. I'll put that one on the list too. Thanks for the effort LeFox, You keep busy on this forum.
I don't think I want to risk debris getting between the sprocket and the belt by removing the bottom one
I would of thought that some kind of guard could be made to keep crap from entering the little sprocket area. Something to think about at work this week...
there are pro's and conn's on the guard.

without the guard, the debris coming from the side (from the tire), which is mostly the case, it can just bounce off, instead with the guard it's actually captured in that area...

think the guard is there to protect you incase of a spill or not to get your pants caught (incase of ridin baggy jeans or something)

and for me...the chance of this happening and the belt braking is nothing compared to the difference overall look