Anyone have a adaptiv TPX?(radar detector)

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Regardless of opinions on whether they work or not, if you're gonna play, you gotta be willing to pay. I used to have one, all it did was make me paranoid. I paid more attention to it than the road. A detector may save your ass on occasion, but it's not 100%.
That's total true. I personally don't ride with it for the concerns of the mounting and security issue. I have been stopped several times on the bike mostly for my plate visibility.

I always drive with one in the Cage. Higher quality units don't alert at EVERYTHING (bank alarms, Storefronts) because a person would then not pay attention to it when it alerts, that defeats the whole purpose of using it. I have driven with one for over 23 years, and from that experience I can attest to their usefulness. If you learn how to use it, it can be a very good addition. Just as a manual transmission gives you more control than an Automatic does for a giving situation.

One of the best sources for Quality reports for all things Driver/Rider Countermeasures

He is also a rider, and has a Screamin' Eagle Road King setup to the MAX.
Radar Roy, is a retired Officer here in Arizona and he gets all the new equipment for both sides of the issue, (Enforcement and Road User) and tests them very well in all possible situations.

and finally for disclosure I am a Moderator for
If you haven't heard a site that uses the web and mobile apps to mark locations of Traps and Hazards to Drivers.

where I live instant on and "laser" (lidar) are the norm for speed traps but many still have the older bands mounted to the A and C pillars of their cruisers and about half of them leave it on as they go down the road. so it will notify you that they are on the road and near by but wont necessarily save you a speeding ticket, if you are doing other things that only seeing you do it will get you stopped then it can help. (wheelies, lane-splitting where it isn't ok, stoppies etc)

knowing this I have found trapster to be the most useful tool, especially with them parking on the e-way on ramps getting speed readings from behind you less than 200 feet away. barriers block much of the stray wavelengths (there isn't a lot to start with from that close up)
in rural areas trapster is less effective because people are not there to upload the trap locations. but in these areas the budgets are lower so the radar guns are lower tech giving your detector an advantage.

just my .02
+1 for the Valentine. I run a V1 with a Vizalert heads up helmet display. I looked in to an Adaptive but range and overall performance seems to be quite compromised. So I chose to stick with my V1 rather than give up any performance. That's how it always is, isn't it? Making sacrifices in other areas to gain performance!

what v-1 heads up wheres is this??
Mounted my v1 tonight
Hey RT, check out the Vizalert on you-tube also. I am thinking about going to a complete different system with a miltiplexer so I might be selling my Vizalert if your interested.
