anyone have a race map for a 99 x1?

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I have it on my old laptop.. can dig it out if ya haven't found one by then. Pm me with your email.
I've got that map. PM me your email address & I'll get it to you.

This map is an ok place to start but you should read the megalog tuning thread in the DIY mod forum. It will teach you how to make your own custom maps. It is well worth the effort. I can't believe what a huge difference it made in my 02 S3T.

Actually, mine is a 2000 as well, now that I look at it but it should be about the same, I think. No?
I am interested in data logging. Dont't really have the equipment available for it. my Laptop only has about a ten minute battery life :(
I don't think you can mix years. I know when I asked about burning an entire eeprom off a different year xb to my 2005 xb it was a HUGE no no...
I've been told that 99 and 00 are the same for x1's as far as ecm goes? Not sure if thats true or not though.
My '99 S3 has a Buell "race only" ECM and the maps are identical to the '00 X1 race maps that I have seen on the web.
My firmware is BUEJA120 and the 2000 X1 race eprom that I have seen is BUEKA210. If you would like, I can send you either one, or both.
Well I can send it to you if you want. I don't know if it'll work. I honestly don't even know if it's a stock or race map, it just says 2000 X1.
I didn't realize you wanted me to send it. I can send it later tonight. Like I said, it is a map that came on the disc that came with my ecmspy cable that I bought on ebay, so use at your own risk. I will send it to you tonight.
fetch and save your original eeprom. load the race eeprom, save the maps. fetch your eeprom and load the race maps you've saved onto it, then burn.

there's really no reason to burn a whole eeprom unless you're changing things besides the maps too.
Yeah I was told never to burn a whole eeprom, it can brick the ecm. When I flashed my race map I did like you said, only loaded the race map and saved it into my eeprom. I of course backed up my stock eeprom and maps first.
Got the race map put on today. worked great with the exception that something shorted out on the front injector. Wiggled the wires around for it and it cleared up and runs great now, but I have a feeling I haven't seen the last of it. Any common spots those things short out? It must be really close to where the wires actually connect to the injector.
im new to the buell forum i also have 99x1lightning looking to remap also have race only ecm could i get a map from someone please?