Its up in the air with that department. They just ordered their last 16 Crown Vics for the year. So we will see. Between all the cities we service, Get to work on just about every make/model.
nice! I've been bugging my boss about sending me to tower school.
We use a contractor tower crew, I'm hoping he can assemble a city employee tower crew one day
I sprayed this real quick for a buddy of mine. I only spent about an hour on it so it's not so great. I just figured out how to do pics so I thought I'd share.
sorry for crappy pictures[smirk]. I smoothed the welds on the frame, welded in the oil tank, stretch the fuel tank, and built the rear fender from a blank. He just wanted a subtle paint scheme.
I sprayed this real quick for a buddy of mine. I only spent about an hour on it so it's not so great. I just figured out how to do pics so I thought I'd share.
Hey's a little harder to explain it in writing. I'll try to make a video sometime soon. I have to re-certify every two years with ppg. Our masters class lasts two days.....but on the second day the faster we get the mailbox done, the faster we get to go home. I have a couple boxes to do for some friends so I'll make a video while I spray it. Thanks for the comments