Bad News for Gun Lovers

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I wanted to do my part to support lawful gun ownership; so I'm volunteering my time at the local range picking up spent casings. See photo below; it shows I'm doing my job even though it's tough with all the noise and confusion...

keep going...

a little further...

a little further, it's worth it....

So i have 7 bullets per gun... My government has 100 per gun. They also have more guns.... Still sounds like we're being disarmed 1 bullet at a time.
Interesting forum discussion on .22lr rounds!
I came across this and there are some good points. I also have a brother who is a narcotics detective for the Las Vegas Metropolitan PD...he has made mention many times that a lot of gang violence and shootings and gang related homicides are done with small caliber guns, many time the preferred choice is the .22lr because it is cheap and easy to get without anybody giving it second thought.

Also I think it is important to point out that the 1994 Assault Weapons Band had very little effect on gun violence and gun crimes. To prove this point, anyone remember the DC sniper in 2002? They were using a Bushmaster AR-15 that was a banned rifle at that time...unless he was the original purchaser before the ban date.

Also anybody ever heard of "Fast and Furious"...not the movie? between 2006-2011 the ATF allowed firearms to be sold illegally to straw purchasers and gun traffickers in Mexico in attempt to track the firearms to prominent Cartel leaders...Out of the 2,000 or so firearms sold over the border only 700-800 have been recovered. Some of which firearms were found at the scene of horrific mass killings in Mexico...knowingly sold to them by the U.S. Government!

Yes, guns are designed to kill...from .22 Lr to .50 BMG...Don't be ignorant people! I am CCW holder and own sever firearms, including an AR-15 and the .223 round is far inferior to many, if not most, modern day hunting rifle rounds. The Marines sniper rifle is basically a modified Remington 700 bolt action rifle. which can be chamber for .308 Winchester (7.62×51mm NATO), .30-06 Springfield, 7 mm Remington Magnum, .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 Lapua....

All political bashing...well except maybe the "Fast and Furious" thing...LOL
Anyone wanna take action on how bad Feinstien's bill gets shredded? I'll set the over-under at 1 (of the 120 specific firearms slated to be banned).
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."

-Thomas Jefferson

The attacks on the Second Amendment, by government, have extended to persecuting a decorated war hero and charging him with five counts of third degree criminal possession of a weapon, for having completely empty 30 round AR-15 magazines in his vehicle.

On January 6, 2013, a decorated combat veteran, Staff Sergeant Nathan Haddad, was driving through Jefferson County, New York when he was randomly pulled over at a Fourth Amendment violating warrantless vehicle checkpoint search. Haddad, who had five 30-round empty magazines in his vehicle, was arrested by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and was charged with five separate felonies. If convicted on all counts, Haddad, could spend the majority of the rest of his life in prison.

When Nathan Haddad was arrested, the new ban on his gun magazines had not yet taken effect. The ignoramuses’ at the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department should be given a civics homework assignment; namely to look up the term, ex post facto. In other words, the government cannot pass a law which makes a past act illegal prior to a new law taking effect. But, I forget, this is the new America and we are clearly in the midst of adopting totalitarian laws and law enforcement practices which are serving to replace our Constitution (e.g. the NDAA).

Ironically, Haddad was recently honored by the Philadelphia chapter of Blue Star Mothers and the Union League’s Armed Services Council for helping disabled veterans get back on their feet and this is how the Jefferson County Sheriff’s office honors his service to his country and later, to his community.

A legal relief fund has been set up to help Sergeant Haddad fight against the tyrants in New York. I would encourage all to donate what they can.

Gun control laws are not meant to stop criminals. Gun control is about control and about disarming the American people because there are some very bad people who wish to do middle class Americans great harm. America needs to wake up and see gun control for what it is; gun control is most often a precursor to absolute tyranny and often culminates in genocide.

If this government was truly sincere about making the country safer, they would be corralling and controlling the reckless and negligent medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex. The present medical statistics demonstrate that death by doctor dwarfs death by gunfire as the following chart demonstrates.

Rank Causes of Death (2010) # of Deaths
1 Heart disease 597,689
2 Cancer 574,743
3 Medically caused deaths 225,000
4 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 138,080
5 Stroke 129,476
6 Accidents 120, 859
7 Alzheimer’s 83, 494
8 Diabetes 69,071
9 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome 50,476
10 Influenza and Pneumonia 50,094
??? Death by Firearm 9,601

In 2010, there were 14,043 homicides in the United States. This was 15th leading cause of death according to the CDC mortality statistics and a Wall Street Journal review for causes of death. However, when one isolates the number of deaths by firearms, the number of deaths caused by guns drops to 9,601. Gunfire, as a cause of mortality is not even ranked among the leading causes of death. The likelihood of being killed in a mass shooting are about what they are for being struck by lightning.

Let’s take a moment to examine the leading causes of death and the possible reasons underlying the mortality statistics. Perhaps we should be looking at the Bovine Growth Hormones (cancer causing) put into cattle which makes its way into the human population by way of meat and milk consumption.

We ingest these dangerous substances and literally, the entire country is on a secondary form of steroids. Subsequently, massive rates of obesity have beset our nation and not one word of discussion on this topic has taken place in the mainstream media or in the halls of Congress. Maybe the country should question the wisdom of taking the flu vaccine. There is not one shred of scientific evidence which supports the use of the vaccine which would serve to justify the hundreds of thousands adverse reactions. The use of the flu vaccine defies conventional wisdom. How does one make up a vaccine a year before the “new” strain appears. Is this medicine by crystal ball? And where is the supportive data?

With this kind of voodoo science, no wonder death by doctor is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Also, contributing to our demise, in these areas, are the massive amounts of untested, unregulated and unlabeled GMOs by which we have seen massive cancerous tumors in rats raised on a GMO diet. Monsanto has bought out and is controlling the FDA and the CDC, and subsequently is allowed to avoid all reviews of its products and food safety.

With Obamacare being fully implemented, complete with age-related rationing, a reasonable person would expect these medically induced mortality numbers to skyrocket!

When one steps back and looks at the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex, it is clear that what is supposed to cure us, all too often kills us. Meanwhile, America stays fixated on gun control as a means to increase safety and longevity when the data does not support this illogical, unproven and unconstitutional action.

Meanwhile, an examination of the causes of death in the medical industry, as related by the Starfield Report, demonstrates the extreme danger posed to nation’s health and well-being by the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex.

The Journal American Medical Association
Barbara Starfield
Medical Cause of Death Annual Number of Deaths
Deaths from medication errors in hospitals 7,000
Deaths from unnecessary surgeries 12,000
Deaths from other errors in hospitals 20,000
Deaths from infections acquired in hospitals 80,000
Deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines 106,000
Total of medically-caused deaths in the US every year 225,000

It is clear that America’s annual mortality rate would decline significantly if the government were to ban doctors instead of attempting to ban guns. The medical system is a far greater threat to our nation’s health and welfare than are firearms. An American has a 23 times greater chance of being killed by their doctor than by a firearm!

Incidents of mass murder in the U.S. declined from 42 in the 1990s to 26 in the first decade of this century. Head of the Police Chiefs of America, John Lott, offers a final damning statistic which serves to indict the illogical beliefs underlying gun control:
With just one single exception, the attack on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every public shooting since at least 1950 in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry guns.

School shootings actually peaked in 1929, but we would not want to confuse Obama and his minions with the facts. Meanwhile, our inane gun policies persecute heroes like Sergeant Haddad as he is clearly being made an example of, by the government, to thwart the rising tide of anti-government sentiment over the gun control issue. In other words, the Haddad case is designed to frighten law-abiding citizens into giving up their guns.

The United States is in the process of criminalizing the act of self-defense by removing the only equalizer that Americans have for self-defense against an attacker or to fend off a tyrannical government. It is safe to say, that we are committing national suicide by gun control.

Dave is an award winning psychology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach, a mental health counselor, a political activist and writer who has published dozens of editorials and articles in several publications such as Freedoms Phoenix, News With Views and The Arizona Republic.

The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.

good information ^^^^ [up]

i'm trying to find a youtube vid where a guy is breaking down crime statistics in the US versus the UK. Despite the lies we've heard from the liberal media there is, in fact, more per capita violent crime committed in the UK - or so the video proves anyhow. Here in gun-lovin' Virginia we've seen firearm sales absolutely skyrocket over the past decade, but interestingly enough, violent crime has been on a steady decline. Hmmm.... coincidence? I doubt it.
Great post there Buddha.

It's scary to think about what could be coming to this country in the upcoming years.
deaths-alcohol poisoning 75,000.deaths-tobacco 443,000.deaths-sports 371.deaths-work 4,500.deaths-bathroom 6,000.deaths-domestic animals 1,200.deaths-eating/choking 3,000.deaths-medical errors 68,000-180,000.deaths-coconuts 150.deaths-lightning,wind,hail 240.deaths-crossing the street 4,500.deaths-car accidents 33,000.deaths-holiday decorations 56.deaths-candles 203.deaths-swimming pool 700.child deaths-toys,blankets,car seats,food supplied by loved ones 300.deaths-Assault Rifle 208.deaths-Rifle non Assault 115.deaths-hammers,clubs 496.deaths-sex 9,500.deaths-masturbating 600.
York Arms - NY deliveries


Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York. As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.
For "civilian" customers residing in New York:
At your choice, we will:

• complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY
• refund your payment in full
• hold your items here for up to 6 months, at no charge - if you are in the process of leaving NY and taking residence in another state.
For LE/Govt customers in New York:
•Your orders have been cancelled.
LaRue Tactical started that trend. Olympia Arms decided to do the same, there may be some others who have jumped on the anti-NY bandwagon. Also Cheaper Than Dirt (or Cowers To Democrats, as some of us now refer to them) has decided to try and win back customers by refusing sale of 'banned' items to LEAs in NY state.

I applaud them all for their efforts (although CTD won't get anymore of my business).

Magpul is headquartered in Colorado but it appears as though they will be pulling up stakes in light of state legislation that would make most all of their popular PMAGS illegal. They will take about 700 jobs with them.
and since you mentioned Colorado....

Colorado college advises vomiting or urinating to stop rapists after lawmakers pass gun control bills

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Department of Public Safety has updated an online statement advising female students to consider a variety of unusual actions if they are attacked, including vomiting, urinating and claiming that they are menstruating.

The advisory was updated Monday evening, just hours after the Colorado state House of Representatives passed a package of gun control bills that includes one that would make it illegal for people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on the campuses of public universities. The bills still have to go to the state Senate and governor.

Some of the pieces of advice which were updated Monday evening on the university's public safety website are ones that many would find familiar, from running away without looking back to "yelling, hitting or biting" your attacker.

But the following two suggestions are a little stranger and are already causing quite the outcry on social media: "Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating," and "Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone."

These less-conventional methods for fighting off a would-be rapist are apparently part of Rape Aggression Defense Systems, a class that the school's public safety department promotes as a means for female students to boost their self-defense skills.

But the fact that the site providing the pointers was updated at 6:30 p.m. Monday suggests that the move may have been motivated by the Colorado House's passage on Monday of HB 1226, which would ban all people -- including concealed-weapons permit holders -- from carrying guns on the campuses of the state's public universities.

The House passed the bill on Monday by a vote of 34-31, but not before it became the center of a major controversy when Democratic state Rep. Joe Salazar made comments during Friday's debate arguing that students should not have access to guns to protect themselves from being raped.

"It's why we have call boxes, it's why we have safe zones, it's why we have the whistles," Salazar said, according to KDVR News. "Because you just don't know who you're gonna be shooting at. And you don't know if you feel like you're gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone's been following you around or if you feel like you're in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop -- pop around at somebody."

The comments drew the ire of a number of conservative pundits, as well as several Republican Colorado lawmakers who were offended by the insinuation that would-be rape victims should rely on rape whistles and safe zones rather than arm themselves against potential attackers.

Salazar eventually apologized for any offense he may have caused, but he did not back down from his premise that guns are not needed to protect women from attacks on the campuses of Colorado's public universities.

"I'm sorry if I offended anyone. That was absolutely not my intention," Salazar said, according to KDVR News. "We were having a public policy debate on whether or not guns makes people safer on campus. I don't believe they do. That was the point I was trying to make. If anyone thinks I'm not sensitive to the dangers women face, they're wrong. I am a husband and father of two beautiful girls, and I've spent the last decade defending women's rights as a civil rights attorney. Again, I'm deeply sorry if I offended anyone with my comments."

Meanwhile, the Democratic-led Colorado House of Representatives passed the final two gun measures brought to a vote Monday, the Denver Post reported.

After previously passing measures limiting gun magazines to 15 rounds and requiring universal background checks on private firearms purchases, the House approved two more bills: the ban on concealed weapons on public college campuses and a bill requiring gun buyers to pay the cost of their state background checks.

The bills will now go to the state Senate, which is also controlled by Democrats.

The entire text of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Public Safety Department's advisory is posted below:

"Updated message from February 18, 2013 at 6:30pm from the Department of Public Safety:

The ten points of information below were used in a context supplemented with additional information during the in-class training covered in the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) class. The R.A.D. class is offered free of charge as a public service to women who are part of the greater UCCS community.

Rape Aggression Defense Systems (RAD Systems) is a hands-on, women only self defense and risk reduction education program designed to teach women realistic ways to defend and protect oneself from sexual and abductive assaults. RAD is an international organization of certified law enforcement instructors.

For more information regarding the RAD class, classes scheduled for the spring semester, or any other crime prevention programs, please visit the following pages:

What To Do If You Are Attacked

These tips are designed to help you protect yourself on campus, in town, at your home, or while you travel. These are preventative tips and are designed to instruct you in crime prevention tactics.

Be realistic about your ability to protect yourself.
Your instinct may be to scream, go ahead! It may startle your attacker and give you an opportunity to run away.

Kick off your shoes if you have time and can't run in them.

Don't take time to look back; just get away.

If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.

Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.

Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.

Yelling, hitting or biting may give you a chance to escape, do it!

Understand that some actions on your part might lead to more harm.

Remember, every emergency situation is different. Only you can decide which action is most appropriate."

What To Do If You Are Attacked

These tips are designed to help you protect yourself on campus, in town, at your home, or while you travel. These are preventative tips and are designed to instruct you in crime prevention tactics.

-OR dont go anywhere you cant carry a gun.
Fox News recently ran a story by the Associated Press, presenting the Government’s case in the ammunition purchase. But it was poorly written and the reporter did not ask the right questions, nor did they do all their homework.

From the story:

ICE’s ammunition requests in the last year included:

450 million rounds of .40-caliber duty ammunition
40 million rounds of rifle ammunition a year for as many as five years, for a total bullet-buy of 200 million rounds
176,000 rifle rounds on a separate contract
25,000 blank rounds

This small segment highlights the poor research conducted by the AP reporter. Right off the top – The 176,000 rifle rounds were cancelled.

As was reported 2 October 2012:

Put this in the “I don’t believe it” file, but something unusual has happened. The Department of Homeland Security /Immigration Customs Enforcement (DHS/ICE) has CANCELLED their request to purchase 176,000 rounds of .308 hollow point boat tail ammunition. According to an email that was passed onto me, Harry at the Federal Service Desk stated that a notice could be cancelled for a variety of reason.

Another glaring issue is the “450 million rounds purchased”. What is not considered are prior year purchases. The following chart provides the breakdown of three branches of DHS that purchases ammunition: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs Border Protectorate (CBP), and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) over the past four years.

2009 2010 2011 2012
ICE 575,759,800 487,200 350,004,000 165,012,000

CBP 1,000 77,400 88,000 250,000,000

FLETC 69,920 20,000 154,000 63,742,350

ICE’s purchases make the others seem insignificant. The large numbers are taking the total number of contracted purchases to the date the contract was signed. Many contracts were for 4 or 5 years

If Mr. Obama’s administration (or whomever was 'elected' as CEO of America) had no ammunition at the very beginning, they certainly develop a stockpile very quickly.

Had the Associated Press reporter had done their job; they would have asked the following questions:

If FLETC requires 15 million rounds a year, how did they get their required ammunition in 2009, 2010, and 2011?

If FLETC borrowed ammunition from ICE, is it not possible that ammunition could be allocated to Mr. Obama’s Civilian Army Corps without public notification?

If FLETC has contracted out for 63,000,000 rounds of various ammunition in 2012, why then are they purchasing 200,000 rounds of .40 caliber JHP ammunition in December 2012 and 140,000 rounds of 9 mm and 100,000 rounds of .40 caliber February 2013?

If over 15 million rounds of .40 caliber JHP ammunition is required per year, why did ICE order 38 years of ammunition in 2009, and another 23 years in 2011?

If over 15 million rounds of .223 EP ammunition is required per year, why did ICE order 11 years of ammunition in 2012?

If over 15 million rounds of .40 caliber JHP ammunition is required per year, why did CPB order 13 years of ammunition in 2012?

Does the DHS Inspector General know that the December 2012 contract may have been fraudulently awarded?

If the grand total that we’ve come up with is: 1,405,455,670. That roughly translates to 1,000 people firing 1 round a second for 16 days, at what point has too much ammunition been purchased?

Transferring assets from one Department or Agency is as easy as filling out a sheet of paper listing the departments, assets, and quantities involved. Don’t be fooled. Bureaucracy has been around since Roman times. Bureaucrats know how to manipulate paper, and how to make it disappear.

And the silence becomes the lie.
