Bad News for Gun Lovers

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This Marxist dictator is about to discover what 'clinging to guns' really means; and at this rate he is bound to incite another civil war faster than he can say 'constitutional republic'.
First of all lets put things into perspective. Obama is far from a Marxist. While I detest the idea of enacting stricter gun laws against law abiding citizens because of a few wackos, I understand why they are trying. They have a completely different view on how to fix things. Its the same reason I think my buell is amazing and someone else may think a GSXR600 is amazing. I don't like to get political on a motorcycle thread. I would be surprised if 5% of gun owners actually "held their ground" if such a gun grab were to occur. Most would turn them in like any other law abiding citizen. Obama has used fewer executive orders than most other presidents, its just the reason he is using it that some don't like. I doubt any major gun restrictions will be enacted.
MARK LEVIN: I'm not into imperial presidents who act imperial and speak imperial and Obama forgets there's a Constitution. Yes, he keeps telling us he won reelection. Congratulations, but guess what? The Constitution wasn't up for election, it's not up for a referendum. He has to comply with it, too.

He was sent back to Washington, but he's got a strict list of rules that he has to follow as president. When he gets up there and starts saying, if Congress doesn't do this, I'm going to do this unilaterally, it violates separation of power a lot of the times. And this is a man pushing the edge of the envelope as far as i'm concerned, whether it's the appointment clause, whether it's his unilateral action on immigration, whether it's trashing the commerce clause and the tax clauses under Obamacare. Now they're talking about executive orders on the Second Amendment. They've issued regulations on First Amendment attacking religious liberty. This notion that he might be able to lift the debt ceiling, you know, unilaterally under the Fourteenth Amendment.

What the hell is this? He was elected president. Congratulations. This guy makes Richard Nixon look like a man who followed the law all the time. I think we have an imperial president, he sounds imperial, he's arrogant as hell and I'm furious about this and I'm going to tell you why. We are a magnificent country. We don't need to be turned upside down. We don't need to run from crisis to crisis to crisis. He's bankrupting this country.

He said we've had a discussion about the debt. When did we have a discussion about the debt? We've had a debate about taxes. The man's never around to have a discussion about anything. So, yes, he causes me to be furious when I watch and listen to him. (FOX News Channel's America Live with Megyn Kelly, January 14, 2013)

absolutely the blame belong to the mother she should have put ammo away when she know about her sons problems. a fingerprint or push button type safe should have stored ammo. then the weapon is just a club.
oh and I keep all mine locked. i want a little one to put in wall and keep the self defense weapon in for quick access. and Obama is absolutely the blame on and the rush on guns
Zero, go read 'dreams of my (commie) father' and come back and tell me he isnt Marxist
Tell me what he has done so far as president of the united states to make him a commie. Oh and dont bring up health care, that was the idea of the recent Republican Presidential Nominee. Just a bit revised. PS i voted Republican last election. I just dont buy into the fact that every democrat that gets elected is a marxist commie. :)
and in other gun news....

New York lawmakers agreed to pass the toughest gun control law in the nation and the first since the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, calling for a stricter assault weapons ban and provisions to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill who make threats.

"This is a scourge on society," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday night, six days after making gun control a centerpiece of his agenda in his State of the State address. The bipartisan effort was fueled by the Newtown tragedy that took the lives of 20 first graders and six educators. "At what point do you say, 'No more innocent loss of life'?"

The measure also calls for restrictions on ammunition and the sale of guns. It is expected to pass Tuesday.

"This is not about taking anyone's rights away," said Sen. Jeffrey Klein, a Bronx Democrat. "It's about a safe society ... today we are setting the mark for the rest of the county to do what's right."

Under current state law, assault weapons are defined by having two "military rifle" features, such as folding stock, muzzle flash suppressor or bayonet mount. The proposal would reduce that to one feature, including the popular pistol grip. The language specifically targeted the military-style rifle used in the Newtown shootings.

Current owners of those guns will have to register them.

Private sales of assault weapons to someone other than an immediate family would be subject to a background check through a dealer. New Yorkers also would be barred from buying assault weapons over the Internet, and failing to safely store a weapon could lead to a misdemeanor charge.

Ammunition magazines would be restricted to seven bullets, from the current 10, and current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge.

Stores that sell ammunition will have to register with the state, run background checks on buyers of bullets and keep an electronic database of bullet sales.

In another provision, a therapist who believes a mental health patient made a credible threat to use a gun illegally would be required to report it to a mental health director who would have to notify the state. A patient's gun could be taken from him or her.

The legislation also increases sentences for gun crimes including the shooting of a first responder that Cuomo called the "Webster provision." Last month in the western New York town of Webster, two firefighters were killed after responding to a fire set by the shooter, who eventually killed himself.

The measure passed the Senate 43-18 on the strength of support from Democrats, many of whom previously sponsored bills that were once blocked by Republicans. The Democrat-led Assembly gaveled out before midnight and planned to take the issue up at 10 a.m. Tuesday. It is expected to pass easily.

The governor confirmed the proposal, previously worked out in closed session, also would mandate a police registry of assault weapons, grandfathering in assault weapons already in private hands.

It was agreed upon exactly a month since the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy.

"It is well-balanced, it protects the Second Amendment," said Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos of Long Island.

Cuomo said he wanted quick action to avoid a run on assault weapons and ammunition. He estimates there are already about 1 million assault weapons in New York state.

Republican Sen. Greg Ball called that political opportunism in a rare criticism of the popular and powerful governor seen by his supporters as a possible candidate for president in 2016.

"We haven't saved any lives tonight, except one: the political life of a governor who wants to be president," said Ball who represents part of the Hudson Valley. "We have taken an entire category of firearms that are currently legal that are in the homes of law-abiding, tax paying citizens. ... We are now turning those law-abiding citizens into criminals."

In the gun debate, one concern for New York is its major gun manufacturer upstate.

Remington Arms Co. makes the Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle that was used in the Connecticut shootings and again on Christmas Eve when the two firefighters were slain in Webster. The two-century-old Remington factory in Ilion in central New York employs 1,000 workers in a Republican Senate district.

The bill was the first test of the new coalition in control of the Senate, which has long been run by Republicans opposed to gun control measures. The chamber is now in the hands of Republicans and five breakaway Democrats led by Klein, an arrangement expected to result in more progressive legislation.

Former Republican Sen. Michael Balboni said that for legislators from the more conservative upstate region of New York, gun control "has the intensity of the gay marriage issue." In 2011, three of four Republicans who crossed the aisle to vote for same-sex marriage ended up losing their jobs because of their votes.

Ammunition magazines would be restricted to seven bullets, from the current 10, and current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge.
So if you legally own a high cap mag you HAVE to sell it or get a misdemeanor? What the **** is that?!
I wanted to do my part to support lawful gun ownership; so I'm volunteering my time at the local range picking up spent casings. See photo below; it shows I'm doing my job even though it's tough with all the noise and confusion...

keep going...

a little further...

a little further, it's worth it....

So i have 7 bullets per gun... My government has 100 per gun. They also have more guns.... Still sounds like we're being disarmed 1 bullet at a time.
Interesting forum discussion on .22lr rounds!
I came across this and there are some good points. I also have a brother who is a narcotics detective for the Las Vegas Metropolitan PD...he has made mention many times that a lot of gang violence and shootings and gang related homicides are done with small caliber guns, many time the preferred choice is the .22lr because it is cheap and easy to get without anybody giving it second thought.

Also I think it is important to point out that the 1994 Assault Weapons Band had very little effect on gun violence and gun crimes. To prove this point, anyone remember the DC sniper in 2002? They were using a Bushmaster AR-15 that was a banned rifle at that time...unless he was the original purchaser before the ban date.

Also anybody ever heard of "Fast and Furious"...not the movie? between 2006-2011 the ATF allowed firearms to be sold illegally to straw purchasers and gun traffickers in Mexico in attempt to track the firearms to prominent Cartel leaders...Out of the 2,000 or so firearms sold over the border only 700-800 have been recovered. Some of which firearms were found at the scene of horrific mass killings in Mexico...knowingly sold to them by the U.S. Government!

Yes, guns are designed to kill...from .22 Lr to .50 BMG...Don't be ignorant people! I am CCW holder and own sever firearms, including an AR-15 and the .223 round is far inferior to many, if not most, modern day hunting rifle rounds. The Marines sniper rifle is basically a modified Remington 700 bolt action rifle. which can be chamber for .308 Winchester (7.62×51mm NATO), .30-06 Springfield, 7 mm Remington Magnum, .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 Lapua....

All political bashing...well except maybe the "Fast and Furious" thing...LOL
Anyone wanna take action on how bad Feinstien's bill gets shredded? I'll set the over-under at 1 (of the 120 specific firearms slated to be banned).
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."

-Thomas Jefferson

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