My only question would be how can we get the .01% out of the hands of the outlaws. Or crack down on illeagal firearms that have slid into the wrong hands?
When a criminal breaks the law, stop slapping them on the wrist and make them do ALL of their ******* time.
In response to some of the questions and stances on this matter:
1) There is no such thing as the gun show loophole. The law in some states allows for private sale of firearms to to other residents of the same state. (In Pa, this is ok for long guns but hand guns must go through a dealer)
2) Magazine restrictions are just plain silly. With a little practice, just about anyone could learn to swap mags in 1-2 seconds and still be selecting/engaging targets without missing a beat. It would be no different than limiting the fuel capacity on your bike to cut down on emissions.....
3) More lives are saved every day by guns than are taken. We seldom hear about this because the media refuses to acknowledge guns are not evil.
4) When the US Constitution was written, the "People" had the same exact weapons as the government. Our founding fathers saw fit to add gun ownership to prevent a tyrannical government, our own if need be. The US Constitution is NOT a living document. If it were, it would be way, way easier to change it than 2/3 of both houses AND Ratification by the States. The Bill of Rights is not negotiable, EVER!!!!!! If the government can repeal the 2nd Amendment, they certainly can declare Odin as the one true God and order all citizens to attend organized worship once per week. If you call ******** on the forced worship of the Norse God, then you must call ******** when the politicians **** on the RKBA.
5) Last figures I saw the ATF/FBI/other alphabet soup agencies estimate there are 310,000,000 Firearms in civilian possession (current craze not included). That leaves an average of 309,999,600 guns that weren't used in a crime today.
6) If banning something had an impact on crime, why not just ban violence? or criminals? The anti-gun folks will say that "gun" deaths dropped after the ban went into effect. I can't deny those figures... But, once again, they only give half of the truth. The number of people killed didn't change, only the tool used to kill them changed.
7) Joe Biden was quoted yesterday as saying "If just one life is saved by this Bill, it is worth it." A logical person would also agree the inverse is also true. "If just one life is saved by a firearm, it is worth it." If you can't agree to that, then you are a hypocrite with an agenda.
Some other tidbits of information
• One person is killed every half-hour due to drunk driving
• Each year approximately 16,000 are killed in alcohol related crashes
• Alcohol is a factor in almost half of all traffic fatalities
• Every other minute a person is seriously injured in an alcohol related crash
Yet no one wants to ban cars or booze or how many beers/cars you can own. There is no limit on how fast the cars can go and these number go up when you add the non-drug/alcohol related deaths.
3497 People were killed on 9/11 by Religious fanatics in a single day with airplanes yet no one wants to ban religion, not even certain "types" of religion or airplanes.
No matter how irresponsible the users are, it would be silly to punish the people who use these items responsibly. Why don't we start holding people accountable for the evil they do??? Why is there no one shouting from the roof tops for a change in Mental Healthcare Practices?
Note: I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammar errors, I'm about 8 beers into my "The world's going to end and I don't want to run out of beer" stash.