Bad News for Gun Lovers

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I have a lower already but don't realy have the scratch for a upper now. Do you think I will still be able to find a upper after this goes through?
Does this mean you support the end of publicly available ARs/high(standard) capacity mags, and other such knee jerk gun restrictions? If so, no offense taken. We're all entitled to beLIEve what we choose...

I guess I don't understand your statement in regards to being offended. I'm not sure how that post might be offensive, my apologies if so. I simply said this is a political movement that will not result in minimized gun violence. If it were a movement to end gun violence, you must ban all guns, correct? If a person subjects himself to such violence upon others, remove the assault rifle and enter any gun available to him and the damage can and will be the same.

The young man who entered Sandy Hook elementary entered with an assault rifle and two hand guns. A statement was released that the gunman took his life when he heard police sirens pull up to the school. He was prepared to continue to escalate the situation using hand guns once his assault rifle was depleted of ammunition if he had more time to do so.

If he would've used the handguns after the assault rifle, then the movement would be eliminating all guns, no? If not, then it's a soft hollow attempt at posturing to appease the segment of non-gun owners/non-supporters.

Removing the violence from the equation, what if the government said all liquor and wine was prohibited, but beer is still legal. Would it eliminate drunk driving, drunk driving accidents, alcohol related incidents? Don't think so. It's all alcohol, and it all has the same result. So why single out a particular gun/magazine when there are 1000's of options waiting in line to be used?

To answer your question, no I do not support it.

Disclosure: I'm a gun owner, beer drinker, and not political at all. Politics are way too corrupt.
Sorry. Misunderstood your statement. It appeared as though you inferred that if gun control actually eliminated the presence of guns in our society you would support it.

As for being offended - some people do get rather offended when you talk about banning their legally (and responsibly) owned firearms.

Also- I was under the impression that the shooter left the rifle in the car and used a glock and a sig in the crime. I think the media was coming out with whatever would sell news until the real facts developed.

Carry on.
I just bought a xdm bi-tone 45 but left my garage open on a sunny day and now it's gone....;)
NO TO GUNS! That's it
Totally agree with this. America's got the most guns pr person in the world and a pretty seriously high rate of murders pr day. Does not seem like owning a gun prevents too many murders if you ask me......
34 people die a day in us due to guns. However, it's been mentioned already that people would find another way to kill. In this same light though does somebody really need a fully auto rifle with a 100 round clip??? (Need) is key here, we all know that these types of guns were designed specifically to kill other human beings. I understand the amendments but the fore fathers couldn't imagine the weapons we have today, that's why it's a living document.

Hate him or like him Obama made a great statement in Times,
( I want to make mental health help just as easy to get as a gun)
He didn't say what he would do but did say that we have to do something to help stop these acts of violence. Never said he would take away all the weapons etc etc....
I think the gunshow should require all sales people to have to run background checks and be licensed as part of selling. I'm a pro-gun person but I think that is just smart, you don't see joe schmo selling his jalopy on a dealer lot, make everyone abide by those rules.

Correct, you don't see people selling cars like that. However, what you do see, is bikes for sale on here. Bike parts on here, people bying bike parts at swap meets and thru this forum. What you are asking, is for me to take bike parts to my dealer, then my dealer ships them to your dealer, then you can buy them from him. What you are wanting to do, is take private property rights, IE, my gun, and give control of that to the government. So that if I sale it to you, we have to go thru a dealer.
34 people die a day in us due to guns. However, it's been mentioned already that people would find another way to kill. In this same light though does somebody really need a fully auto rifle with a 100 round clip??? (Need) is key here, we all know that these types of guns were designed specifically to kill other human beings. I understand the amendments but the fore fathers couldn't imagine the weapons we have today, that's why it's a living document.

Hate him or like him Obama made a great statement in Times,
( I want to make mental health help just as easy to get as a gun)
He didn't say what he would do but did say that we have to do something to help stop these acts of violence. Never said he would take away all the weapons etc etc....

Slippery slope, we're headed towards it.

“Then they took our guns

“Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long afterwards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.

Personally, I will NOT stand idly by and let them come in and take mine. I doubt I have nearly enough ammo though. Law abiding or not, mine will be hard to take.

Btw, full auto is pretty hard to get, it's very regulated. Semi-auto on the other hand, nearly every modern sport or hunting rifle uses it unless it's single shot or bolt action. HUGE difference between the 2, even though they "look exactly the same" on the outside.

  Totally agree with this. America's got the most guns pr person in the world and a pretty seriously high rate of murders pr day. Does not seem like owning a gun prevents too many murders if you ask me......

Ever wonder how many more there would be without them? Not saying there would be more or less but it's an unknown. There are over 300 million guns in the united states, about 60-80 million gun owners, and about 11K gun related homicides a year. That's less than .1% based off the amount of owners, actually using 80million it's .01375%, if you base it off the amount of guns, 0.0036666666666666666%. Ya those are staggering numbers...........all these guns are the cause :rollseyes: And a recent statistics showed that only 4% of guns used in crimes were obtained/owned legally. That stat right there shows that even with a ban or strict laws, 96% 0r 10560 people still would have died due to guns. The only real cure would be melting down every single gun in the world, stopping all production throughout the world, and still people would probably find a way to make them. Making it harder to legally own will just make people do so illegally and our prisons are already overcrowded
Oh this one is good...

New words for bad words

oh and forgot about this, I realized the other day that anti-gun people are hypocrites. When talking with 2 friends who are of the anti-gun stance, both agreed that if in a situation where their lives were in danger they would be ok with an armed citizen protecting them. I would be willing to bet the majority of Anti-gun people would feel the same. I doubt any one would be willing to give their life over an armed citizen protecting them. "Oh no, stop, don't kill me...oh you with the gun, please put that down, I can handle this, I don't like guns".....said no one ever.
RamAirz that action figure therapy is around here in ga. Pretty funny ****. Carry on everyone :D