Bad News for Gun Lovers

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New words for bad words

oh and forgot about this, I realized the other day that anti-gun people are hypocrites. When talking with 2 friends who are of the anti-gun stance, both agreed that if in a situation where their lives were in danger they would be ok with an armed citizen protecting them. I would be willing to bet the majority of Anti-gun people would feel the same. I doubt any one would be willing to give their life over an armed citizen protecting them. "Oh no, stop, don't kill me...oh you with the gun, please put that down, I can handle this, I don't like guns".....said no one ever.
RamAirz that action figure therapy is around here in ga. Pretty funny ****. Carry on everyone :D
a fully auto rifle

Let me start by saying; no disrespect to the poster above; I’m just clarifying the facts as I see them.

Unfortunately this type of misinformation and misunderstanding of gun facts is what fuels the anti-gun movement. And it’s repeated daily by the talking heads in the leftwing media. Again and again I hear…”those AR’s are the same ones our troops are using in Afghanistan”…blah…blah…blah. Ask someone in the military or law enforcement their opinion on this and see what they say.

For those with nill gun knowledge…
automatic = hold trigger and it keeps firing
semi-automatic = gun fires only once with each trigger pull
You might say that's splitting hairs, believe me it’s not.

The fact is the AVERAGE joe on the street cannot and never will be able to LEGALLY purchase automatic weapons, only semi-automatic. Can they be had on the black market or stolen; hell yes. But gun control laws meant to stop the law abiding citizen from future purchases will have no affect on those illegal means. Don’t mean to use a clique; if you outlaw guns – only outlaws will have guns.

Therefore that 18 year old geek with a case of acne playing Black Ops video games in his basement, has a better chance of hitting the powerball, TWICE, than acquiring a fully automatic weapon.

If you want to spend time debating how to keep this from happening in the future; debate how to keep weapons out of those with limited mental capacity or mental illness. I’m I saying you need a certain IQ to own a gun, no…that would eliminate most on here.:DWhat I am saying is; I don’t want someone who takes orders from the family dog allowed to posses any weapon. Most gun purchase and carry permit applications have questions related to mental health issues. I know this hard to believe, but some people do lie. Your criminal record is accessible but not your medical records (I could be incorrect on this) thanks to HIPAA. That’s a debate for another thread.

There I feel better already; a good vent is refreshing !!!
^^ Good points. The video posted above explains it pretty well also. It's important to remember that something that seems like it is "common sense" to many of us - auto vs semi-auto - is completely foreign to a lot of people and their only qualifier for banning certain firearms is "how scary it looks."
The fact is the AVERAGE joe on the street cannot and never will be able to LEGALLY purchase automatic weapons, only semi-automatic.
You made very good points, however you can get fully auto weapons (my buddy has 3 :)) it's just a bit of a process and requires a lot of paper work.
You made very good points, however you can get fully auto weapons (my buddy has 3 ) it's just a bit of a process and requires a lot of paper work.

Opps, I stand corrected. I'm curious now, I wonder if that varies from state to state. Still, like you said, it requires a lot of paperwork and hopefully that helps weed-out the bad apples.
Ya not all states allow them and even then you need a class 3 license to purchase/own/fire and as mentioned its a more extensive process to obtain
In this same light though does somebody really need a fully auto rifle with a 100 round clip??? (Need) is key here, we all know that these types of guns were designed specifically to kill other human beings.

first none of the weapons being discussed in the media right now are fully auto. Second Nato 5.56 is designed to penetrate armor using a small light-weight projectile fired at high velocity. civilian .223 rounds have their charges greatly reduced making them effective for killing small animals only. Think high velocity BB gun. Are they still being used to kill people? yes. However the only point that makes them any more deadly than any other gun is the magazine capacities, otherwise a good .45, .380, even a 9mm would make for a more deadly weapon. Especially hand guns in this case as most of the shootings are occurring in close quarters where wielding a rifle around, even one as compact as an AR with a short barrel (which would then require a class 3 licence, same as a full auto rifle) is very cumbersome.
Second Nato 5.56 is designed to penetrate armor using a small light-weight projectile fired at high velocity. civilian .223 rounds have their charges greatly reduced making them effective for killing small animals only.
That is also false. I buy bulk 5.56 ammo all the time online. Its sometimes cheaper than the .223 depending on how much of it you buy. The powder load behind the .223 vs the 5.56 is smaller, but still very capable of taking down large game such as deer, bear and other non-small game animals. I use a savage .223 dear hunting.
That is also false. I buy bulk 5.56 ammo all the time online. Its sometimes cheaper than the .223 depending on how much of it you buy. The powder load behind the .223 vs the 5.56 is smaller, but still very capable of taking down large game such as deer, bear and other non-small game animals. I use a savage .223 dear hunting.

i wasn't saying it couldn't be used. You can take down a deer with a .22 if you want. But generally a larger caliber is desired for deer and especially bears (which is why .223 rifles are generally termed varmint rifles). Also i would be careful if you are running 5.56 nato through a rifle designed for .223 because the chambers aren't designed for the higher tolerances and the start of the threading isn't either and while more than likely it will only present a little more wear on the rifle over time, it could potentially lead to a catastrophic failure some time down the line.
i wasn't saying it couldn't be used. You can take down a deer with a .22 if you want. But generally a larger caliber is desired for deer and especially bears (which is why .223 rifles are generally termed varmint rifles). Also i would be careful if you are running 5.56 nato through a rifle designed for .223 because the chambers aren't designed for the higher tolerances and the start of the threading isn't either and while more than likely it will only present a little more wear on the rifle over time, it could potentially lead to a catastrophic failure some time down the line.
its a .223/5.56 rifle :)
Assuming this clip is even remotely accurate, I want to go on record as stating "I hate the big news media outlets" and all the knee jerk reactions they caused.
Also of note, destruction of evidence as shown in this clip should be taken into account. The aftermath could/should have been handled a little better.

Yeah, 11-12 HOURS later, they discovered a gun in the trunk of the car. NO ASSULT WEAPONS RECOVERED in the school? Even though the M/E stated that "all of the injuries were from a .223"? Seriously? 4 handguns, NO AR-15's inside the school.

W. T. F.
The gun in the trunk was not an AR. Look at the way the officer manipulates the bolt.
Good discussion. It seems most of us are like-minded beyond our preference in motorcycles. I think one of the most important issues mentioned, and most frustrating for us legal ownership advocates, is the abject ignorance of the people calling for bans. A better understanding of firearms in general would be an asset to the populace in every aspect. But alas, reality is unfortunate and we will always have to deal with so many people seeing guns as instruments of death and nothing more.