bad vibration

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Dec 16, 2009
was riding my bike this morning (09 Ulysses), and it started vibrating all at once. Don't believe its wheels or tires, its through the seat, pegs handlebars. I pulled in the clutch at 65 mph. The vibration would die down as the motor came to an edle. the bike has 13K miles on odo. I though it mite be the road I was on, so I got off on side road, made no difference. I had to get back home, its not something you can live with. Like I said everything points to maybe motor mount. I do need to mention. The back tire is warn down to the wear bars, but nothing points to wheel tire problem. Anyone have any Ideas, Thanx......Dan
check the front isolator

check the front isolator


Had the same exact symptoms. I had snapped my front iso bolts. Different front iso set-up on my x1 but the symptoms are the same. The vibration is likely your engine vibration transferring to the frame... hence at idle it was not as bad.
okay, is that the part the bolts to the front of the from cylinder? and how do I know if its bad, I suppose i could take it off, and see what changes, thanks a whole bunch
I had a very similar problem on my '09 Uly after fitting a new rear Angel tyre and new belt, it was like the tyre was out of balance but not at any particular speed. I already had a Freesprits belt tensioner on order, when it arrived I fitted it my vibration problems disappeared. My front mount looks Ok.
what does the bike do or feel like when completely stopped but gently rev the motor? stil feel it? brian probably nailed it down for you but if not the front isulator and you're absolutely convinced it is coming from motor, you might end up checking the stator rotor fastening hardware. i know it's a pain in the ass to check as it's the hardware that attaches rotor to left crankshaft end. i mention this because i had a 2007 sportster in shop a month ago with same exact symptom you're describing and that is what we found. for what it's worth. let us know what you found as i'm curious.