Baltimore is Burning

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Buellmekg- I've seen nothing racist here unless I overlooked something! And yes racism happens but does not justify looting, and it doesn't entitle a entire race to benefits because of mistakes made decades ago or last week! I'll say it again want to make a ass of yourself hold a sign that says BLACK lives matter, want to make a difference hold a sign that says ALL lives matter! Those people in the streets no matter their color deserve whatever they get no matter how bad it is!
There are a few lines/statements that someone more racially sensitive than myself could take issue with. I personally didn't see anything that I would call racist or even bothered me at all. My overall point was that destroying your own property is stupid. I do however think most of us are grown ass men. We've all done something because of anger or frustration that we knew would not help the situation. I don't condone any of the crap going on up there but I'm not going to act like I don't understand. How many of us knew about this when it first happened, or last week when all the protests were peaceful for days? The riots are the story now but they are only happening because the people in that area feel that this is more of the same.

"Black lives matter" is a completely different statement than "Only black lives matter". Please understand the difference between the two. I understand your point though and I agree.

Frankly I come here for bike talk. With the exception of some gun stuff I've never seen political/social/racial/societal issues brought up here. This a very heavy topic for this forum. You guys have at it, I enjoy all forms of healthy discussion. I'm done though.
When I stopped at the sheriff's office yesterday to pick something up, I had a guy make a comment about my bike (the yellow 1190rx) as I got off of it and removed my helmet. I had ear plugs in, so I missed some of it, but he was kind enough to repeat what he'd said. Loved the bike! Was it faster than a GSXR?? (yep) How did it handle? (pretty good for an old/fat/white guy riding it)
We both went in to the sheriff's office to take care of our business and continued to talk about bikes. We were both interrupted by the clerk several times as we retrieved our items. As the conversation unfolded, it turns out the guy knew pretty much nothing about motorcycles at all but wanted to learn to ride. Obviously he wanted the baddest, most poser bike you can get (hyabusa maybe?) and go from there. I'm pretty sure my enthusiasm for the biking sport got him thinking about how much fun it is.
I then proceeded to talk him into starting small. Why? That was the first thing. Start small. This guy was probably 6'3" or so, a good 240 lbs, so as big as I am or even a little larger. I told him to start on a little dirt bike, 100 cc or so. He just didn't want to go that route at first. I explained my reasoning for it. Little dirt bike, it won't go 180 mph. Start out in the dirt (a field would be best) to actually learn the mechanics of riding some. Once that's down pat, trails riding. In a field, there's nothing but grass, dirt, maybe some holes and hills. Nothing's going to jump out at you. Trails on the other hand, there's big rocks, trees, etc. They can move fast sometimes. I told him he needed to crash that little bike a few times, 2 or 3 at least. Maybe get a broken bone, bad bruise, whatever. WHAT?!? Yeah, crash, crash hard in the dirt a few times. Nothing out there is really moving except yourself on that bike. NO TRAFFIC.
Once he'd gotten that part of riding down, if (after crashing) he still wanted to ride on the street, then get another small bike (street capable this time) and take it to a local track day event. Ride in the novice group. Again with the WHY? Well, everyone's going in the same direction (typically) and if you do crash, there's emergency responders there to take care of the boo-boo's. K, makes sense. It's better than going out and playing in traffic with 4000 lb cars/trucks that are coming at you and might not be paying attention.

My best analogy was to ask "Have you ever played stick-ball or baseball as a kid? Remember sliding into 2nd or 3rd base? In shorts? Yeah, didn't feel all that good getting skinned up, did it? Now try sliding on pavement at 70 mph. Or getting hit by a car when both of you are doing 40 mph. Yep, that's gonna suck, isn't it?"

The neat part about all this was, he's a black guy, I'm white. Nothing was said about the riots or any of the BS going on out on the east coast, much less in Ferguson, right down the road from us maybe 15 miles away. It was all about learning to ride and how to get started on that path. I shared a lot of my hard earned experiences with this random guy, just because of that opening he offered with "Hey, I love that bike! What is it? Is it faster than a GSXR?"

Btw, both of us were picking up our renewals for our concealed carry permits.
How is it racist to talk about 'stupid looters burning their own town' as a whole? Is it racist to talk about 'stupid cops always killing' as a whole? We're talking stereotypes which sadly, are mostly true. I don't see anything racist in this thread either? But if it's what you want to see, then you'll see it.

Being blind to color doesn't mean you aren't a racist. It means your blind. Respecting other races is what makes you a non-racist. You can still have your opinion and know that stereotypes exist for a reason, but if you carry true respect, your opinion will be valid regardless of race.
Being blind to color doesn't mean you aren't a racist. It means your blind. Respecting other races is what makes you a non-racist. You can still have your opinion and know that stereotypes exist for a reason, but if you carry true respect, your opinion will be valid regardless of race.

That's a pretty good way of saying it. [up]

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