basic riding tips...

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2008
...Im new to buells and new to riding in general. I just purchased a xb12s two weeks ago. love it.

I've taken my MSF classes and always ride defensively. but when i have the opportunity to push the buell "safely" (like empty on ramps to highways)... i want to know at what rpms I should be shifting through the gears.

when I roll the throttle hard in first, the bike rpms seem to rise tooo quickly and the same in second gear. its seems most of the power is in the third. does that make sense??

needed advice - so whats the best way to maximize acceleration out of the buell xb12

thankss in ad
Shift points are kind of a rider preference and will change with riding conditions. If you are looking to take off like a bat out of hell just practice running through the gears taking it up to near the redline. The bike has a limiter that will only let it rev up so high, 6800 RPM. I personally try not to get up to the rev limiter, so if your shifting under 6500RPM you shouldn't hit it.

Thats where the practice comes in, because as you pointed out, the bike gets there in a hurry in 1st and 2nd gear. Just keep trying it shifting later and later, you'll get the hang of it.

But for the love of all things holy BE CAREFUL! Get some riding time under your belt before you throw it down an onramp at 100mph. And WEAR YOUR GEAR!
What he said, another thing is that your shift points for one curve and for another will rarely be the same because unless you're on a track, no two turns will ever be the same, not even on ramps. The on ramp near post I can take at 70 in 3rd ....same speed for the S curve by my house but in 5th instead of 3rd... WEAR YOUR GEAR....take your time...HAVE FUN