Bike Hit in Parking Lot; Question

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If you see on the parking lot old but good looking clean and maintained car, park near it. The driver of this car is likely very careful person and will likely not hit your car or motorcycle. Avoid on any cost parking near junk looking cars, the drivers of those cars are likely careless persons and will not care about damaging your property.
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Here is how I park my motorcycle near my work office. I leave it in the corner of that wooden structure so it is protected from 2 sides.



And I also cover it with Classic Motogear Extreme motorcycle cover. There are two purposes to keep the motorcycle covered: to protect against contamination and fade (rain, dust, UV sun light, birds poops, smokers cigarettes ache etc) and to protect against people (this motorcycle takes too much people attention)


If you see on the parking lot old but good looking clean and maintained car, park near it. The driver of this car is likely very careful person and will likely not hit your car or motorcycle. Avoid on any cost parking near junk looking cars, the drivers of those cars are likely careless persons and will not care about damaging your property.

Sure, right. Like parking next to a new Porsche?

"S**t happens" trumps 'logic' everytime...
Drivings follow international and industry standards, so you should be good with them if you are familiar with those standards.
You got that right, Coot--spell check was correct in that instance. We had an engineer that talked like Tbrag writes, we fired him due to general insufferability(if that is a word) On inspection, his work station computer was infected with 2000!virus--just sayin
Yeah we all are infected to some extent. In your case, at least, you never lose your sense of humor and good sense, so your virus's are benign
Here is another parking trick. Buckle discs locks on both rear and front brake discs to prevent someone will steal your motorcycle.


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