bike is 100% finished... till the next mod

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I can't do a post on the build, it's being shot for a couple of magazines and they get pissy if you don't let them tell the story.. That's what keeps "You" buying them !!
These forums are not really to boast about what you have. Its to share the knowledge you have in building them. Its for the love of the bike not rubbing it into people faces.
...I haven't bought a motorcycle magazine in a long time. But I've read some stuff from Ingenious builders and tinkerers that wound up in magazines. Most of the guys have been great guys that loved to share (Pur Pony's build an awesome example--and one you chose to share your pictures on). Was kinda hoping I'd be able to read about yours here. Oh well.

Good luck with your bike and build. [up]
Well Blu1 if it's for the "Love of the Bike" don't you think that everyone should do there own thing and use their own ideas. That would mean you should look at some ones work and say "Good Job"looks great and don't ask questions about how. What it sounds like is some people are asking for the "How To" so they can replicate.
All I was doing was showing what "I Did" to make mine different and that the possibilities are in your imagination.Purpony built a beautiful bike but I didn't read where Purpony broke down his build and to be frank I don't want to know. I build houses for a living,bike building is a hobby of thirty five years, my knowledge in building bikes is this, I think of an idea, I draw a sketch and than do it. If it works, Great! If it doesn't I try again till it works both mechanically and of course till it looks the way I envisioned. It also helps to have access to a full machine shop. confused]
Well Blu1 if it's for the "Love of the Bike" don't you think that everyone should do there own thing and use their own ideas. That would mean you should look at some ones work and say "Good Job"looks great and don't ask questions about how.  What it sounds like is some people are asking for the "How To" so they can replicate. 
All I was doing was showing what "I Did" to make mine different and that the possibilities are in your imagination.Purpony built a beautiful bike but I didn't read where Purpony broke down his build and to be frank I don't want to know. I build houses for a living,bike building is a hobby of thirty five years, my knowledge in building bikes is this, I think of an idea, I draw a sketch and than do it. If it works, Great! If it doesn't I try again till it works both mechanically and of course till it looks the way I envisioned. It also helps to have access to a full machine shop. confused]

Extractor, that may be all fine and dandy for a mechanical engineer or automotive design major, but the reality is that one of the greatest reasons we share on this forum is to LEARN and GLEAN ideas from eachother. Doesn't mean every bike is a carbon copy of another, but we take design elements and practical solutions from eachother so that we don't have to reinvent the wheel everytime we approach an issue (aesthetic or mechanical). What you stated is a bit selfish and self serving. It may work out great for you (and yor bike is beautiful), but it really isn't in keeping with the spirit of things around here.

No one can make you share or tell you you're wrong--but I felt the need to point out something that is very obvious to me (I won't speak for anyone else). Do as you like--but like the kid that takes his ball and goes home, it isn't "cool."
Well I guess I'm a little different, I like to figure things out for my self. When I go to a Bike or Car show I look at someones finished product and I appreciate the craft. I don't ask how it was done,call me stupid but I'd rather come up with my OWN finished product.
Again I was just trying to show that there are no limits to what can be done with these or any motorcycle that's "ALL" Next time you can read it in a mag this won't happen again :D
Extractor, very cool bike dude. Project m2 is getting there. Currently looking like a massive puzzle on my mates work shop floor. The only thing I will say after much head scratching I ain't doing a turbo. Was on the cards for a long time but not chancing blowing the engine.

Inspiring work guys [up]
I think the thing i learned the most on here is how NOT to do it. I don't want a carbon copy i just don't want to waste time (which i don't have)and money (which i never have)to find out i'm doing it a way that wont work. I agree with trial and error but if you can at least get pointed in the right direction.
My mistake, all I was showing was there are lots of different ways and to do these things.

I'm out !!
Extractor, I don't know how I missed this. You definitely need to post a thread about this thing with tons of pics when you get a chance. That is by far one of the baddest bikes I've ever seen. i don't even know how to describe it! It has elements of 1940's, cafe, futuristic, and etc. It is amazing!