Black and Blue?

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That would be sick...Maybe when I get home I need to do some
I forgot who's bike it is, but it's awesome. I wanted to see what it would look like with a blue stripe so I photoshoped it

Man that looks good, but now that I see it I still like the blue wheels better. Maybe a black stripe on the blue wheels.
Ya you know what I might try that out.

edit: So its said fishing line will remove the buell emblem. Then say wd-40 for the gunk? Gator did you remove yours before cutting into the airbox? Also any advice on what to re apply it with?
Oh ur buying a new one? I was just gunna throw mine into my backpack once I got ur plastics on and then re-glue it on at home.
yeah I'm gonna get new ones. I'm sure alignment is going to be a pain in the ass. Plus I'll be able to do something creative with the old ones
Hey you know what..Thats true. Iv seen a few people put their old airbox eblem on the side of the frame and it looks pretty damn good.
Some old guy backed into it while it was parked infront of my work. No dmg to the plastics just pegs, bar ends, primary cover, etc, etc... The way it affected my platics was it pushed my clutch lever down and when I was clutchin I musta had some grease on my glove so it smudged black on the inside of the upper cowl. Ill clear everything up and make sure all is good before trading. Also if u notice the buell emblem as a flat line across the bottom, i think it would be easily lined up with a ruler etc.. But I think ima take ur route and just get a new one and get creative with the old. BTW urs is the '07 xb12R right? Does ur airbox cover have the opening and mesh by the gas cap? I cant wait to see the firebolts parked next to eachother.
yeah I has the mesh opening near the gas cap. It would be awesome to see the bikes next to eachother after the plastics are swapped!
F-yes, Im hoping if Matter has time I can pick up a frame graphic from him on the way or before I go. He only lives like 30 minuts from me, and that would be even sweeter. With the plastic change and the frame graphics, our bikes will be pretty unique even compared to other buells. I cant wait. Im going to powder coat my pegs and heel gaurds and Levers too if it wont cause any mounting problems. Then paint that light colored piece of the chin fairing black to match the rest.

Edit: Oh ya, talked to my dealer, im getting the black '09 Primary cover as a replacement, and sometime this winter ill get the black right side engine cover and have my heads ceramic coated black. SIIIIIICK!
I've been meaning to buy the pop rivet replacements for that chin fairing on ASB so I can paint it too. I'm also going to paint the faded plastic pieces around the headlights. Good idea with the powder coating. I think I might have to do that too if I get a few rainy days in a row

Man that looks sweet with color behing the lights. I also really like the whited out chin fairing. I dont know what kind of roads you have down there south of the bay, but we have alot of asphal up here and man does my front tire like to kick that shizz up onto the center of my chin fairing and its just keeps it looking like crap. Im hoping the black will help with that.
Yeah I get some asphalt there too. I may just paint it black. Cleaning that thing has been a pain in the A$$.

I also really wanna wrinkle finish my primary in black as well.
So...Dave...Think youd meet me half way? Its just over 1k miles to Monterey from here and thats one way =(. I checked it out and halfway if we take I-5 which im guessing will be quickest is somewhere between Eugene and Medford Oregon, either is fine for me.
Well my sister lives in Portland. So if I was going as far as medford, I might as well go a bit further. I should figure out what shipping would cost, cuz it may be cheaper and easier on the ass to just ship the stuff. I don't know about you, but I've done 150 miles a few times, but that's the farthest I've gone in one day.

When were you thinking of doin this trip?

If your bike gets totaled, you should buy if from the insurance company. You'll have endless spare parts!
Nah its all back from dmg quote they didnt total it =(. Im not sure when. I'v done 8hrs in a day on mine, my ass hurt the next day but it wasnt so bad. Shipping prolly would be ALOT cheap, but that would be time off the bike and I use mine for commuting so that would mean waiting for winter. Either way im up for it, I REALLY want my firebolt black'n'blue. If you go to Portland I could make it a there and back trip in one day.
I'd at least want to make it there in 1 day. I'm oing to see if Kajer will ride up with me. Going alone will be boring as hell

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