Kyle, you need to be a better comprehensive reader. In my post I point out specific brands and model #'s that work, and then EZ posted a link showing just about every known compatible tach. What more do you want?
Heh I wish it would be that easy Stang but i do not have any tools or devices that could fabricate that... lets not even talk about skill to do it either... [smirk]
I would definitely buy something clean looking that would fit for a premium price however.
NRHS is thinking about it, and Banke performance will fabricate a dash as well(you have to send a drawing, as they do not do it now). I do not know the cost. Banke performance will powder coat it black if you want as well.
Well I would sell this one i have on my bike with the equus tach to the highest bidder lol jk!
I would want the tach in hand to fab up a dash for a 2 inch tach,
Don't think I'll buy them to fab up and sell but if someone buys one then cant then I'll do it for them for pretty much nothing!
Well if you made a kit with the dash and tach that would sound even better! Serious just let me know how much you think you would run as a cost for that.
Just put a GlowShift Tach on mine. Mounted it directly to the existing odometer mount. Used one of the plastic casing mounts that the tach came,attached it with a rivet gun.front view: