I have a 02 Blast. It has been running fine until one day I left it for 5 seconds running and thumped its was to push the kickstand right under itself. It fell on the left side, broke the mirror and minor scuffing. Well you guessed it, now it wont start. It cranks but doesn't actually start. I can send a video if need be. At work right now. I have read tons of forums and checked almost everything. I noticed before that the boot's clamp close to the engine was cracking and almost shot before all this. No the clamp is gone, I never saw it on my driveway and assume it fell off before. It seems like it is still on as I checked it but no clamp. Could loss of clamp really cause it to not turn over at all?!?! I would expect poor idling. I check battery... good, checked spark.... good, checked ignition light... blinking. Tried to bypass BAS with tying green and yellow wires in using jumper. Nothing. I evening jumped the kickstand too. Ran a magnet over the BAS and seems to be clicking but who knows??? I took it to a Harley dealer who usually does not work on buells, across town they do. They cannot figure out what is wrong but is getting no compression supposedly???? Said would have to tear down engine, that's crazy for a dropped bike that was running. This seems to happen to everyone every now any then, id be shocked if this happens everytime... What am I an they missing. I want to get it up and running but its a 400 lb paper weight now..
Thanks to all who respond, I appreciate the assistance and am open for any suggestions.
Thanks to all who respond, I appreciate the assistance and am open for any suggestions.