Blonde moments?

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When i first got the xb9r and started riding i constantly put the key to parking mode when i got to work, so much so that i had a jump box in my office.
What happened with the kill switch on that you tought you had to replace your battery? I leave my kill switch on all the time.

no, leaving the kill switch on doesnt kill your battery, leaving the key turned on when you forgot that you used the switch does...

I wish I had left the key on. No I usually don't use the kill switch just turn it off by the key. So I ride into the garage hit the kill switch, turn the key off. I go back to the bike 2-3 days later turn the key on nothing, I checked fuses, put the battery on a charger, still won't start, so I get a new battery, then I realised that I left the kill switch on.
I usually pull into a parking spot hold the clutch put down the kick stand shift to neutral then turn off the motorcycle. I forgot to come out of neutral once and ... well ... no need to use the kill switch.
I have a bad habbit of pulling up to stop lights thinking I am in neutral when I'm not and dropping the clutch. People look at you wierd when you are starting you bike at a stop light!
yup been there done that .. got the girl on the back at a stoplight, thinking I'm so bad ass chucking revs, then I simultaneously let the clutch out thinking it's in neutral. ******* bike nearly launched both of us off. lol. totally lost all coolness after that one. good 'ole days of being a newb rider :)
u dawg! mine was couple months ago after work.. she has since been laid off :-/
i left my keys in the ignition for 2 hours while i was at the mall shopping for my girl friends birthday gift. realized i did this when i got back to the bike and the keys weren't in my pocket.
I used to always forget to take the lock off my front disc. I would always get about 3 feet, the bike would jerk to a stop and then fall right over. Did that several times on my old bike.

I used to always leave my key in the ignition. I used to have a big brightly colored key chain, but I've since switched to using just the key so it doesn't stick out like quite a sore thumb when I leave it in the ignition. It's one good thing about having my key on the side where it is on the xbs, people would be less likely to notice it.
Left the ignition in park for a week once... Very dead battery...

2 or 3 times now I have taken my hand off the clutch forgetting to shift into neutral first. Just happy she hasn't gotten away from me yet!
Was bleeding my rear brake last night and had the mighty-vac blowing into the caliper instead of sucking the fluid out.
Recently installed the Scorpio i900, couldn't figure out why it didn't chirp when I connected the powerline to the main module. So I take off the seat, the Tail, check the connections, and the ones at the taillight, take off the airbox cover, etc etc. and realize I had the other end of the power cord wired to the - battery terminal... Dumbest I ever felt in my life. Till...
I leaned over the open seat area and connected to the + terminal, caught the alarm full blast and went deaf for a few

Add me to the list of clutch stallers in 1st at the traffic lights. Worst is when you're waving back to a kid or hot chick... *rolls eyes* Thank god for tinted visors... Note to self: Next time, Nod or use your right hand...
I rode about 50 miles on a almost flat front tire and didnt know till my buddy pointed it out at a gas station. I picked up a small nail at some point on my way to a local car meet, and didnt think to check my tires before I left to go home.
One of my blonde moments was with my 1984 nighthawk 700sc,ignition switch went bad but instead of getting a new one I thought putting on a toggle switch was fine,works good until you let the battery get weak and leave it running to charge battery and lock the forks,then get on to ride and not remember to unlock the forks,you just go in a circle and you hurt your ego when folks are watching.:D
Had a blonde moment this past Monday. I finally got off my ass and installed a delay pulse timer for my HID's in doing so I soldered the wires instead of using wiring connectors, just makes for a cleaner more reliable connection.In doing so some solder tends to drop from the work so being frugal I took off the front fender so no solder fell on it and melted it. Learnt from experience on that one. Anyway had to remove the airbox cover/base to run a positive wire. So after all the wires are soldered airbox cover/base is on everything working like it should. I have 4 extra torx screws I'm like wtf where these come from. I dbl check the airbox cover and base I have the Buell tank bag so attributed them to it for some reason. tt was on the bike though. so I give up clean up and head into the house so. It comes to today I get the bike out almost a week later mind you and ride to work I get to work and there for like a cpl hrs look at my bike and it just doesn't look right at all then it hits me I know where those screws go now I foregot to put on the ******* front fender lol so I guess you can call that TWO Blonde moments in one lol Sorry for the long story.
haha strmvt that's good .. I was changing plug, battery, and checking all connections and whatnot and have 3 screws that I don't know where they're from [confused]
Strmvt and BuellRider,
I used to do the same thing when I used a magnetic dish for screw, bolts, washers, etc. Once I started working on my own bike, I started hand threading the fastners halfway back into their posts with the part off. That way I never have to look for the screws, worrying about dropping/losing one and can't put the parts back on till I remove the fasteners first as a reminder.
- J
Mine comes in when I was working on my filter and took all the screws out and put them in a container on top of the hood of my car. I then had to go on a short road trip and forgot to take them off. Needless to say I didnt find a single one.
Disassembled the whole starter unit several times and figured out at the end the Battery was down... and I used a 5 mm square cable to connect my pickup bat during this. Charged the bat and all was fine.

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