blown engine.:(

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I was told that it had the updates and recalls done.. I had 9900 miles on it with original battery
Warranty company is saying they will only pay 6500 of the 7500.. due yo the value of the bike only being 6500.. Hm. Gonna bitch someone out till they pay it all... possibly get an attorney involved
They don't care about the paint... I told them.. Here is the scoop now.. They are saying that they cant find a new motor anywhere in the U.S. So now they are saying that they are in contact with EBR to see if they have any new ones laying around.. Second option is to put a used one in it with a 3 month 4000 mile warranty.. complete ******** If you ask me. The warranty company is saying that I when I purchased the bike for 6495 that is the set value. they will not pay anymore than that to repair it. well the bill is 7500 unless they can find a new motor for cheaper than 6500 bucks.. then I have to pay for all the labor charges which is 10 hours at 95 an hour... just perfect
I'm gonna throw my 2c in here, not trying to be a dick...

I understand that you upset about the situation, but to me what the warranty company offering is fair. They are there to guarantee you are made "whole" again if something happens to the bike. Getting a brand new engine is beyond "whole", considering the one that broke had 10,000 miles on it. I'm sure if you read the contract it states that them installing used parts is acceptable. It would be similar to expecting an insurance company to buy you a brand new car after your 2010 with 10,000 miles on it got hailed out..

However, assuming that the existing warranty hasn't expired since the engine blew, the 3 month 4000 mile warranty thing is BS. The installed parts need to carry the same warranty as the rest of the bike.

My only other bitch with the whole thing is the value of the replacement parts. I have a hard time believing that the cost of a replacement engine is $6,500. And it isn't EBR's responsibility to stock new engines for them, it is HD's.
If the bike is therefore totalled, shouldn't the measure be replacement cost instead of original cost? I'd look for comparable bikes listed above $6500 to argue that you couldn't replace your bike for the original purchase price since they have become more rare and values have risen.
Well since they can't find one they contacted ebr to see if they had a new one they could buy from them
I hope it works out alright for you titan. It blows my mind that HD doesn't have one or two laying around somewhere. It does give me a little satisfaction that HD has to go beg Erik's company for help.
I don't understand why they don't have any either.. this is just complete ********... I just wish some good could come of it
I do see buellysses point on the offer being somewhat "fair", its a concept called "betterment" you're basically entitled to be compensated for the equipment in the condition it was in before the failure (or normally in the case I deal with, a collision). But pvmike is also right, they would have to consider the replacement cost of such a motorcycle. I'd say best case go for a good used motor with a warranty comparable to your current warranty. My second option, and this is only if you don't want your bike nemore (which I see as a bad option ;) ) is to cash settle with them for less then actual replacement, but more than the bikes value and a little more than they'd have to pay for a replacement motor. And on a personal note... fuxck those a$%holes for not caring about the paint :D
Well good news.. they are gonna fire the bike up today and could be done this weekend.. Great news is it a 2010 engine so it has a sight glass in it which is awesome.. can't wait
I have to pay the labor.. roughly 10 hrs at 95 an hour. Maybe some gaskets and odds and ends.. roughly $1,000..
Yes I did.. in all of HD extended service contracts it states that they will pay up to the purchase price of the vehicle.. no more. They will also no pay for any labor to tare down yo find the issue or the cost of labor to rebuild.. that's all on the own.. says it plain as day.. so all of you that have an extended service plan should review your contract in case something happens.. also throughout the term of the contract you have warranty coverage up to the value of the purchase price. Which means as example in my case. I paid 6549 for my bike. Throughout my extended 4 year term I can have up to $6549.00 worth of warranty work done.. so basically mine is gone because the motor was 6500 bucks.. kinda sucks but that's what the contract states

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