Bogging down

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2009
I was looking through the latest Jeg's catalog, and I saw something called a TPS throttle enhancer calibrator. They make one for the TPS we use on the XBs, and wondered if this might be a source of the bogs we get in our bikes. Here is a link to the part.

Max, any ideas?

TPS throttle enhancer calibrator
Hard to say if this will actually work. Given it's description, I'm not entirely sure it will be of any real use, as it looks to simply be a plug-in scalar for TPS voltage.

Like DustyXB said, for $90, give it a shot. My guess is that it'll be less than amazing.
as it looks to simply be a plug-in scalar for TPS voltage.

Can you give me the five year old definition of this?

also on the topic. Like I said I will be more than happy to be the test dummy. My bike is an 09 xb12. Still the correct part? I dunno if the TPS changed over the years
Octopus is correct, also the TPS has changed just enough with each improvement of the Buells some years are very close depending on wear of that parts area. It will work well for settings. TPS reset by Key for Free with only a Use of your fingers, I am curious why buy at all for any Buell with the 08+DDFi-3/system .There is no Idle Screw, Ecm does this correcting.Yes you can set with the computer as long as the part is good you will know pretty quick from your Data readings. The Bogging or not being able to Blip the Throttle will not change for a Streetable Riding Buell Bike that's a Stock V-Twin. An Individual Tune is best. Even with all these race maps etc.? The Crankshaft is large, the cough or slight lag in Throttle Response here and there would improve greatly if the crankshaft was Even & Balanced more like DARE I SAY a foreign bike.
Unless you have money to burn , learn to Tune her Octopus can get you to what you need in that area. Let us know if it does something for your bike. We have one here at the shop came with the package and I use it here and there when needed,most of the time I use my lap top it's faster for some work but I practice regularly. Hope you have fun with it! Good Hunting>*Jimi
That is kind of what I was expecting out of this. To give the five year old's definition of this part, it sounds like it is sort of a line conditioner (for those of us familiar with a/v equipment). That is to say, it gives you a smoother signal. Jake, if you are willing to be the guinea pig, please, by all means. I don't know if what you would see would translate to the DDFI-2 bikes. All the other observations seem valid though, too.
this is a great product if your a racer.early ford and some gm tps are prone to incorrect voltage readings at the low and high end of the spectrum mainly due to the tps being out of adjustment and voltage drop outs from faulty far as early model buells go if you dont know how or never want to reset you tps this might be for the end this is just a cover up for a faulty or incorrectly adjusted tps.
What I meant by "plug-in scalar" is that the unit appears to artificially increase TPS voltage in the higher ranges. It takes the actual TPS voltage, and then boosts it to a higher number, "tricking" the ECM into fueling the bike as if it were at a higher throttle position.
there is no problem with the 09 tps thats why they don't make it for that can adapt it but dont waste your 2c