brand new xb9sx on atlanta craigslist for 5300

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I bought mine last month with just under 900 miles. What's up with all these never-been-ridden Buells?
I bought my 09 with 33 miles on it. In transit to Itlay right now [cool]. I plan on riding her all around europe!!
I remember last year from January through mid-March there were some fantastic deals on Buells. I was watching one get lower every couple of weeks on CycleTrader. I was wondering why it was still available. If I had some extra money I would have bought it. Then in late March and April all the really great deals vanished. I think the better weather and people having a little extra money with tax refunds would explain it. Maybe this year will be the same? We'll see.
Supply and demand. Your Buells are going to go up in value. The good deals are getting scarce. Gettem while you can. Believe it.