Brembo brake mod

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I love the look of this mod, and I hate how "wooden" my rear feels kinda all or nothing I don't get much modulation out of her. I've been looking at this mod for cosmetic as well as performance reasons but it's my understanding that there's not much in the way of brakeing performance. I've heard that if you fit the brembo 2 piston caliper as well as the ducati master cylinder you'll get the performance you're looking for. Similar to Nitto's front brake mod.
I cant take credit for the front brake mod, that was Point_Doc's idea. I will probably put the brembo rear master on the bike as well as soon as I hear back from Doc on which one to get. I should note that I can now lock up the rear wheel with little to no effort using the brembo rear and the stock master.
Well I just bought a Brembo Master off of a 2004 Aprilia Tuono for $34 shipped so I will post my findings in about a week or so.
got the hidden brake also
just a optical gimmick, no more braking performance imo

use goodrich carbon optic brakeline and
chrome banjos,
titanium banjobolt and padpin,
braking rotor, changed the golden colored brembo in red,
ebc brake pads


found this bad boy 4 piston and the same 84mm bolt spacing. should work if not it's back on E-bay.
LV, I would be skeptical about that one, look at where its coming from. It may say brembo but I doubt it is a authentic brembo product. I would also venture to say that you would have to upgrade the master cylinder to make it work properly.
agreed, upon further inspection it says it's from thailand, auction won but not a direct check-out and nothing in my won auction/inbox, hence no money sent to this skeeseball. Good looking out guys, it was kinda late last night when I bid on it. The other brembo 4 piston monoblock calipers are going for $500-1000 so I got a little trigger happy when I saw this guy. I did however find a few rear M/Cs what's the bore/model/part# that I should be looking for?
Yea if you look on ebay almost all of the brembo calipers listed are from Thailand. I would stay away from these listings because this is a mod that will directly affect your ability to stop. If it were strictly cosmetic than it would not matter. So I would recommend buying a used one off of a parted out bike like I did(2007 Ducati Monster 695), or buy it from a reputable vendor like ASB or buy directly from Brembo.
I did however find a few rear M/Cs what's the bore/model/part# that I should be looking for?

There are two type of MC's that will work. They are both Brembo MC's and I think the only difference between the two is the bleed location and the location where the brake line connects (similar to the differences between the two types of calipers). Both should work but I went with the one where the brake like connects on the top because it is similar to the Buell MC so I know fitment will not be a issue.On the other MC the brake line connects to the top. Point_Doc. did mention that his rear brake switch is on the frits with this setup.

Sorry I am unable to post pictures of the difference MC's but if you go on ebay and type in(Ducati Rear Master) you will fined both of them. You can also try Aprilia in the search as they also run the brembo MC.

Not having any issues with setup, there was an issue with adaptment for the switch to the different M/C.

Not having any issues with setup, there was an issue with adaptment for the switch to the different M/C.

My bad, you never really elaborated. Would you care to now?
So recently I've been looking at this mod, after about week of cruising the ducati/monster forums I found a guy parting out his '07 Monster S4R and I obtained the rear caliper, master cylinder including reservoir cup, and 22" SS brake line.

After a little MOTAvation, I sat down with a dremel and polished up the powder coated emblems on both the M/C as well as the reverse side of the caliper.
I do have a few questions for those of you that have performed this mod, did you use your stock reservoir cup? it seems like the brembo unit has about half the volume of the OEM unit.
Does anybody know if the brembo caliper bolts up on the stock mount?
Page 1 of this thread has more info about mounting. But the Brembo caliper isn't a straight bolt-on mod - you'll need a bracket: Hidden Brembo mount

Most use the stock setup as far as everything but the caliper itself. The stock hose is just long enough to work as-is.

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