Broken IEV Cable

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2012
Royse City Tx
I have not read the manual yet and ordered the cable a couple days ago. The old one was broken at the muffler and imagine after 67K miles just wore out and not even sure when it broke? The muffler valve operates by hand smoothly without any apparent sticking. I imagine I need to set the cable so when the valve is closed there is not too much slack it comes out of thing on top of the muffler. I know RTFM, just had some time to post now. Also I replaced the IEV actuator about 6 years ago, and the new one has an all metal shell, so hoping that the rest is metal and working well also. Also see in ECMDROID I can operate the IEV which seems handy when setting the new cable.
It would have taken you less time to RTFM than posting said:
Thank You for the Jewel of "Not turning the Actuator by hand". Do not see that in the manual, at least specifically. My SOP is to use the manual and post here, Lol. Thanks again Cooter.
That is odd that the cable would break with the muffler valve moving smoothly. A good question would be "where did the cable break"? No point in just throwing another cable at it to find out the broken cable was just the symptom of a problem.
Thank You for the Jewel of "Not turning the Actuator by hand". Do not see that in the manual, at least specifically. My SOP is to use the manual and post here, Lol. Thanks again Cooter.

It should written on the actuator, actually.:eagerness:

just the symptom of a problem.

YOU are a symptom of a problem!

Installed the new IEV cable with the stock original muffler. After Adjusting the new cable using the manual, which says to keep the cable adjusted, which I did not do. This possibly contributed to the failure? Kind of like my first marriage, as I was told it was the "things I didn't do......." that caused it to fail. That was a long time ago, but yet today still have some family members conflicted when I ride for several days or a week when I am on vacation every year, oh the judgments and sentencing. I think 3419's "X" on his post has triggered me. Any ways, back on subject, I found riding the stock set-up very interesting and I totally forgot what that was like. Definitely no cool points as the thumping is pretty much gone, but the extra torque is definitely noticeable. Glad to be back on the road and riding another day, which is always a good day.
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Unless it was adjusted too short and the actuator was fighting it, I doubt it would cause a failure. The plastic gears stripping out could be a symptom, not the problem?
I would think the need for 'adjustment' in normal wear it would stretch slightly and maybe not open the valve all the way, but not fight the actuator. Meh.

Oh, and Counselor Cooter says: If someone wants you to 'just do things' the way they want, it means they want you to change to what they want. Can you be happy you are someone else? You can change for any reason, but never against your will. Just be you man, you'll never be happier, and that will be attractive to everyone. One of my favorite quotes applies here:

"Depression is your avatar telling you it's tired of being the character you want to play."
Jim Carrey

OK, That's our time. Send $400, to [email protected]:angel:
Thanks Coot, Man you are not cheap. Well the stock muffler appears not to be having any issues so far. My other muffler is one that was gutted so even though it has the valve it does nothing, and I should leave the IEV cable off when using it to save the wear and tear on everything.