Bue xb 09 weird sound

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comes from the engine. I put the camera between the exhaust pipes to get into the engine, and the sound got louder
Is this a game show? Do I win a million dollars if I guess right? I can't hear crap with that black, dead, 9 second video.

Your answer can only be as good as your question. Empty, no information question = Empty, no information answer.

Describe the "sound"... with words.

SHOW what you can... with light, and volume.

Find it's location, using a long screw driver to pin point the area by putting the end (not the sharp end, silly) to your ear and touching things with the other end. OG stethoscope.
C'mon man, don't be mean! He's literally narrowed it down to ONE thing for you and you can't even thank him for his amazing informative post and detailed explanation!?! You're a jerk.

I tried your "listening through a screwdriver" trick on his video and it was not helpful at all. What gives?

Can this screwdriver trick also be used in place of a boroscope?
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looks like

sounds like a rocker arm might be bent. does it increase with rpm?

Could be... but even for something that simple, the motor will need to be rotated at the very least. I've given up rotating the motor for any reason and just pull the frame completely off.

Once most people realize that, especially if they not up to the task or realize no other motorcycle mechanic wants to touch it, or the amount of $$$ they want to, makes it just wind up on craigslist.