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Nov 9, 2008
Hey, does anyone have any Buell XB CD CAD models, or know where i could get one? Preferably in SolidWorks, but ill take what I can get. I have seen some 100% complete ones online, but none are free. I am trying to make some custom parts and this would really help with designing.
There's no such thing as a free lunch..... I doubt you'll be able to find any solidworks drawings to scale that are free. The program is around $10k give or take a seat and everyone has to make a buck for the world go round... Best bet is to reverse engineer the design yourself and make your own drawings.
Yeah I know, I have solidworks, pro-e, autocad, and a few others that i never use b/c nothing compares to solidworks. Anyway, I CAN draw it, it would take a long time, and I have no way to accurately measure the curves, or loooong dimensions accurately. I have machinists tools, so I am set for the details, but am lost for the big stuff.
it would take a long time, and I have no way to accurately measure the curves, or loooong dimensions accurately.

That's exactly why it's going to be hard to get for free.
Its pretty easy these days to get stuff for free. I tend not to do it myself but I know people that have thousands of dollars of free software. I don't think its impossible to find but definatly not easy. There are probably only a handful of people that would have the cad for a buell lol Good luck.
Hell it is hard enough to find custom parts for your bike let alone systems designed for it.

Although anything is possible.

I had my tool guy at work make me a set of bad ass axle slides for free.?!

Good luck