Buell Factory Signs

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Okay, I heard back from Erik, but the link he sent me was messed up. Still trying.
If Erik replies with a list of which one did what where (make sense?), please post up the info. We'd all love to know what went on at each station.
Okay, the link Erik gave me was apparently to a private FB group for Buell employees. I've tried to search to roust up a lead on that group, with no luck. He said that if I'd send him the numbers we've gotten, he'd try to find out what went on at those stations. From what I read on this thread, we've got 2,3,10,14,19 and 20 so far. I'd kinda like to only ask once, so if anyone else has bought one of these signs, either post up here, or PM me to tell me what number you have, and I'll ask. More evidence that EB's a nice guy, eh?
Thank You, so far Baal. Eric seems just as into the thought of saving his company legacy as we are. as a Military man, I feeled honored to keep the memory of his company going.
You're welcome ArmyMP09. [up]

buelltech said:
I have 21

Ah, so that's how I didn't get it! I was channelling Pascal Picotte. I also thought about 13 (which I don't think was available); Mike Ciccotto raced with that number WAY back in the old Lightning series.
Anyone have have one framed yet? I'm trying to think what to do with mine.
Okay, the list is: 2,3,10,14,18,19,20 and 21. Anybody else?

It's kinda funny: I've not seen any buzz about these signs...ahem...anywhere else.
Okay, I'm going to ask now about the ones we have: 2,3,10,14,18,19,20 and 21. 5 and 17 were in the picture, 16 was listed in the auction, so I'll ask about all of them.

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