Buell Firebolt Battery Location

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May 1, 2012
Does anyone know where the battery is located on a 2008 Buell Firebolt? And how do I get to it, to charge it? Thanks mates...
welcome to the Forum. First with a 27/Tork bit or torx wrench, remove the seat. Now the positive terminal off the battery. Carefull if the Battery is a Stock Buell Battery it will Have some Brass Adapters(spacers)that keep the Angle correct for reinstallation of the battery cables.
Those spacers will keep the Wires at the proper angle so they don't make you bend the Wires going to the Battery. If an Aftermarket battery is used Keep those in case the Aftermarket Battery does not hold up. That way if you end up buying a Buell Battery it will bolt right back up .
The Rubber Strap can be tricky for some to remove OR reinstall just watch how you remove it and be patient reinstalling it back in to hold the battery .Don't kill the Seat Bolts on Reinstallation(overtightening) that can and Will bust the Seat Anchors[holes] where the Bolts go through, just snug does the trick.
Might want to install yourself a pigtail for a battery tender and invest in that[cycle gear] so you won't have to remove the seat on your bike all the time, never boost the bike with a diesel or a vehicle running the Stock Buell Battery is only 200/CCAmps. If your battery is giving you trouble remove it and have it load checked at an auto parts store some still do that for free so make sure to call them first before you go there. Good Luck. *Jimi

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