Buell Haters?

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When it comes to bikes, you'll find people fall into three general categories:

1) the person who only buys/knows bikes based on which one is 0.00001 seconds faster than the "losers" in the magazine comparisons
2) the person who dresses like a pirate and berates anyone who doesn't ride a "real bike" (i.e. usually HD)
3) the person who loves anything related to bikes, including all makes and models.

When you encounter the first two categories, just smile and nod. When you encounter the third category, buy him/her a beer and talk about your bikes for an hour. It's much more worthwhile and memorable than dealing with the others.
I'm 27 and am into old school Customs n such...Prior to my '05 XB9SX I have 2 '71 Ironhead Sporties, one of which is all custom fabbed. But I always thought Sportbike Riders were knuckleheads...the A-holes who ride fast and stupid. I could NEVER see myself owning one..but I caved and justified that a BUELL is the best of both worlds. LOL And now I am hooked...I LOVE MY BUELL! And I ride fast and...uh, mostly not stupid.
Around here, Vegas that is, most Japanese sportbike riders are young and a lot are idiots. BUT they always google over the BUELL because of it's unique design. As for die hard HD guys, they wont even wave or gimme a peace sign when I ride by...It's like the BUELL is the bastard child, HD guys are unsure about it, and talk trash. The Jap bike guys, are unsure about it and talk trash...BUT then they Love the "potato, potato, potato" sound of the Harley Motor...LOL Oh well...to each his own I suppose
I was actually originally going to get a Sportster over another buell. I started streetbiking with a 2001 Buell Blast that was actually pretty cool. i changed just about everything i could possibly change on it, but i got tired of losing races to saturns and cavilers so i went to the HD dealership with my dad to check into sportsters. I knew they werent fast from the factory, but i also knew you could do a LOT to their engines (i cant ever just leave anything stock). I saw a really nice XB9 for far cheaper than any other bike that the dealer, and i test rode it that day. it felt so much different than the blast that i was unsure about buying it, but i decided that i was going to force myself to like it after hearing how awesome it sounded. It's a shame you guys have had bad experiences with the HD guys around you, because the guys around here are actually all really nice. the guys at the dealer kept saying how much they were gonna miss seeing the lightning around and that "starting the thing in the morning was better than any coffee...ever"

Not only do the sportbike guys all ride like ******** around where i live, but they put stupid loud yoshi pipes and stuff on them and do 100mph fly bys by my house at 3am all the friggin' time in the summer. it gives all of us bikes a bad name :/
I've never really had anybody talk trash about either my 1125 or my sportster to my face. It really seems to all happen on the internet for me and that's about it. I do notice a lot of people on the road don't seem to like my Buell very much, and I don't ride like a ******* at all. It's like they just don't like sport bikers because they're used to the guys on their gixxers weaving in and out of traffic and cutting them off like Ghost Rider.

Everyone loves my sportster though. I've got silly stickers on the back and a bicycle horn on the handle bars, and the bobber aspect of it always turns heads and gets smiles. Plus I have super quiet slip ons and I don't rev the engine constantly so it's very low key in the sound department.

I can certainly imagine what I would say to most people hating on my bikes though. With the sportster from other Harley guys I'll just say "let's race" and they really can't come back with anything. On the Buell from other sport bikers "Good luck in corners against my vtwin with your microscopic inline 4 power band."
When I first got my bike I caught a lot of flack from a few local boys but then I remembered I bought my bike to ride. So,,,,, I just got out and started riding. Now 38,000 miles later I can't hear the comments anymore.
Most people can appreciate my bike. My father in law gives me some crap but not much. He just does it because he hates HD, he actually likes the bike and likes Erik Buell. After giving me a bunch of crap one day he was at our house and we couldn't find him then realized he was in the garage checking out the buell. He was even laying next to it checking out the ZTL brakes and the belt tensioner lol.

Then my brother will give me some crap telling me it's a glorified sportster. What sucks is his "883" will blow the doors off my buell haha.

Most people just keep their mouth shut, which is fine by me [up]
I had a friend who was looking to get a Buell or a Hayabusa. It was 2000 and the bike were actually comparable in price at the time and I told him to get the Hayabusa as I thought he would enjoy it more and the stats were...well...it was faster. I know, I know. Well he had nothing but trouble with the Buell unfortunately, and wound up even having to put a new motor in it. Of course, being the friend I was, told him " I told you so." I did like the rumble of the V-Twin even though I cursed the bikes and told people I would never own one. After selling my last bike due to unfortunate circumstances, the time had come around for me to search and find a new one as the Gods of finace had blessed me with the funds to do so. I began browsing craigslist and see this red 2004 XB12R. "Damn! That bike loooks nice!", I said. Too bad it's a Buell, and continued my search. I kept finding myself coming back to it and it was on there for a while, so finally I decide to call the guy up and go check the bike out. It had the Buell race kit on it and sounded like a champ. I talked him down and bit the bullet wondering if I had made a good decision. Got it home and gawked for a while because, damn she was a looker with the amber wheels and red plastics! Took it for my first ride and never looked back :) Unfortunately, back tire lost traction one night around a turn and met the all too familiar subframe and frame rip :( Loved that bike though and become a lifelong fan of Buells! I have a buddy who was similar to me about them and I encouraged him to really give them a shot. Another freind of his owns one and said the same thing. Before long, guess who got him a Buell! Anyway, long story, but I used to be a hater, but numbers don't mean **** against smiles :)

and sprk sprd +1!
Anyway, long story, but I used to be a hater, but numbers don't mean **** against smiles


I have the least hp of anyone I ever ride with, but I'm always right behind them, if not in front.

Not that we really race on the street....but you know what I mean. My father in law has tried to lose me a couple times on his sv1000(you can tell when someone is trying to) and I love when he looks back and I'm right there, I can tell he's surprised. The only time he pulled away from me was when we went to arkansas with really long open sweepers for miles and miles, he was cruising at 100+ in these corners and I was right there with him but eventually I could tell my bike was getting too hot and I slowed down. After a while at those speeds this bike just gets too hot.
even if the whole world would hate buells i would keep mine:) i would even ride some extra miles just to anoye the haters :)
this morning on the way into work, had to show an SV650 rider who's got the better bike:D he backed off when I caught up to him, waved and guess he was [confused] cause he didn't wanna play anymore, ahhhhh why so :( little guy:D:D:D:D:D:D
smiles are great, but so are MILES! how many miles do most people get out of CBRs and gixxers before a rebuild? 20k? 30k? I hear people on Buells having no problem hitting 70k. those japanese I4 engines revving to 15 grand all day doesnt make things last very long. ill be interested to see how many of my buddy's bikes are on the road when they hit 30,000 miles. especially two of my friends who have like 1991 GSXR 750s, with stroked out 1k motors. they sound like complete garbage and look even worse with stupid candy paint jobs and stretched swing arms.
as of today...


I had a lot of free time on my hands and read that whole thread. I don't know that I really have the words to explain just how I feel after reading the whole damn thing. I can't believe those people call themselves bikers or motorcycle riders. I always thought we were suppose to support each other and be there when needed. If it has two wheels and an engine as far as I am concerned your a brother/sister. The amount of hate some of those guys had for Buell was just amazing. I know all about good natured ribbing and stuff but those guys carried it to a new level. And from all I could gather it was because Buell was different and even when the chips were down he just kept being different. I hope I never run into any folks who really feel as strongly as they do about any of my bikes.

Funny too because I use to ride a GSX/R and CBR and FZR which I all liked but was just never totally happy with. Then in 2005 I bought my first Buell and that was the begining/end of the story. Now I have a Buell and a Harley so all the guys from that forum would really hate me. I just don't understand that level of hate for something. And really I think it is more to do with ignorance and not liking change than anything.
minus 2500 miles of the 56370...I've put on it, the first owner put 1500 miles, the second put 1k, then I bought it during the summer of '06...nothing but a smile from ear to ear since! 7 things are not original to it: 1st: suspension, went from SL to S, 2nd: center chin fairing, gray to black, 3rd: lower belt guard, '03 to '04, 4th: idler pulley, original one had surface damage, 5th: windscreen, yellow to black, 6th: seat, it's from an SX model, 7th: cooling fan, original died recently.......the most impressive original part still being used and in great condition is the belt, just bought the stock seat to replace the SX one. now working on the S to R front end conversion. have all the parts that have been removed and or replaced.