Buell Helmets-last ones

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Damn that sucks. I just baught aa street flame helmet and buell bolt jacket off of ebay. I payed more for the helmet alone than what I could have gotten both for off of here.[mad] You win some and loose some. Maybe I can get the wife to buy the rest of the gear for me for xmas now.[confused]
Thanks lleubbx!

I just got the street flame helmet and bolt functional jacket for $148 shipped! That's a steal!
can you get smoke shields?

edit: looks like the black street flame is a kbc magnum with a buell paint job.
got the turbulent helmet last night. $99.00 bones & free shipping. thanks for the link lleubux[up].(anybody wants to get a tinted shield for the turbulent, it's an AGV model S4)
Wow! great prices, looks like x-mas shopping just got easier / cheaper! Thanks for the link [up]
dam i want a blue one if somone runs across some let me know i need xl i may try to go there tomorrow see if they really have one and if i can wedge my fat head in a l.
snell helmet for 60 bucks is insane
too bad they don't have any of the Buell GP helmets.... I would really love to get a good deal on one of those AGV GPTech's for a good price... did pick up one of the Buell Flame helmets though.. that KBC Magnum is a nice lightweight helmet...
I wear XL in Suomy and Shark. Seems to me the AGV would be similar since they are all made in Italy?

Anyone know if the Turbulent has similar sizes to the above lids?
Don't need the info, I just bought the Turbulent helmet for $99 delivered. Thats what I call a smokin deal. Found a sizing chart and the Suomy and AGV are about the same, close enough to buy the lid. Suomy is 61-62 and the AGV is 62CM.

Thanks lleubbx for posting this.
RT...my guess is that this dealer bought a butt load of this stuff when they discounted it all down to next to nothing. My local dealer tried to put an order in too, but was too late as it was all bought up.
I will let you know they where selling ebay and haaving it dropped shipped the mailed me a 10 free gift card and conventily i need to go pick up a part right down the road from there lol:)
ok i got my turblant at the store :)
getting to look the turblant very light fits the same as my hjc. the vents do close the chin closer is hidden inside.
street flame heavier but does have a built in chin curtain and nose gaurd
Street flame heavier? but by the specs they are equal with 3lbs. 2oz.![confused]

Awesome that nose guard:D[up]