Buell owner locations

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Corpus Christi, Texas. I work on the road so im all over, coming home mid june and really need to spend some time on my lightning. prolly ride to san marcos and make a tour of the hill country when i do.
St. Michaels, MD - on the Eastern Shore (Chesapeake Bay): flat, straight roads, by and large. Land of chicken farms and chicken strips.
Milford, CT

Is there anybody from CT? 7 pages of posts and nobody, i cant believe that!
Lando, im in waterbury right now, but i didnt bring my bike so if you still got youre rear pegs....lol
Goatsxb9s I lived in San Antonio for 25 years, I sure do miss the hill country, nothing like riding around Bandera, Devil's Backbone and Lake Travis! Have fun and keep the rubber side down.[up]
Hey fahren, every try the strawberry pie at The Crabs Claw? We once drove from New Jersey just for that pie. (1985)
Ok Buellxb, I have a challenge or request, whichever, for you. Can we build a map for U.S. and for outside U.S. for everyone to attach to? So everyone from Cali would attach to that state and so on and so forth? Make it quite a bit easier to locate other riders in our areas. It could even be a part of your profile, where you list the city and state(or country) and it automatically populates the world map? Just a suggestion. And by the way, the weather here in socal is absolutely beautiful!
^^^^ a few of us have mentioned this before. I'm sure it's on one of the long lists of things to add. I'd like to be able to search by users location so we can see riders in our area, or see if there are riders where we're riding to.
Midlife, I'll have to try out that pie, but it'll have some tough competition from my wife's (French/Normandy) cooking. It would have to be the pie that would draw you down here - it sure wouldn't be all the hill country twisties!!!
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada.

Should be a spot in the registration to add this so it can be seen under our usernames in the posts. Lots of other forums have it.
I created a custom Google Map for BuellXB members here. Place a pushpin in the town where you live with a description of your make/model bike and any other info you want to share (keep in mind that it's viewable by anyone).

I'm technically the owner, but made it so that anyone can edit/add to it. Have fun.
That definitely deserves a rep point! Thanks Tork! Now I need to figure out how to mark my location. Tork, make this a new thread and I'll sticky it
yay! I'm on there... Personally I would have used a different site with a google map API so I can update my location via GPS, but you cant have it all i guess...

[up] for the map

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