Wayne, My '05 xb12r ran great for a year, then started pinging, intially at 4000rpm under load, and progressed to all the time any load at all, even 1st gear at 2500rpm with a normal wind on throttle.
changed plugs ( which where clean and good) changed intake manifold gaskets, used octane boost and many new tanks of 98 gas, dealer had it for 2 days and showed no codes , ( also suggested that some pinging was ok ??Are you crazy ! )Nothing got better.
Dealer had bike again and changed computer , apparenty was ok then so they put old PC back in and again tested ok, I picked the bike up at 5pm and it pinged the whole way home. Time really is money in my world, and this is eating up time.
Now resolved to trade it on a new R1.....i gave it some 104 octane boost and set out for my last sunday Morning ride on it. Half way up the mountains it blew the front pot head gasket !
I know the engine has to come out for that and its just outta warranty......so looks like i have a job to do. If i don't get some help from the dealer on all this **** i'm sure they will never sell another buell in my area........the local guys love the bike but have been blown away by all this crap . Its not my fault , but it is my problem. Bring on the R1.