buell westwind

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I'm guessing the clutch is getting in the way (internally) of removing the cover as well?

You should be able to rotate the engine forward far enough to get that to clear. Just keep and eye on fuel line and wiring to coil/plugs.

Have any pictures of the whole bike? :D
Nice one pony lol. Actually not a bad idea. Cut it right and make the section removed boltable so it can be put back. Like some jap frame to aid engine removeable.
Which Buell's for sale shortly? The RS1200??? DIBS!!

Do NOT cut the frame. Bolts are not as strong as welds. It's really not difficult to rotate the engine, if it's anything close to the Blasts or XB's. It's 1 of 200 bikes...don't cut it.
I was just kidding... going back to the ass on ebay selling an x1 with the frame section cut out so he could use a s1 header.

IF you bike is like the other tubers, it should pivot at the rear isolators I would think
The pictures were showing the whole time ... our military LAN filters out a lot of stuff it deems "hazardous" ... Don't ask me how it figures out what's what ... but apparently uploaded pics on here are on the cut list ...
Hi, im back for more info. is anyone familiar with the engine in this buell, it has an xlh1200. the casing that hold the cams have a breather baffle in it also it has an umberellavalve. The casing that was purchased have not. can I run without.

And Jetlee. I got the casings off by dropping the engine from its front mount and pivoting it on the rear mounts, have to becareful because its mounted to the shock and has it gets tight it try to ping the bike off the paddock stand. did it quick and remounted the engine so its not constant compress on shock, worked a treat.