Buell wont start

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Oct 3, 2011
Bike will not start, Gauges flip when turning to ignition but all I have on the dash is a high beam indicator showing which goes out when I flip on the high beam, bike will not turn over and I can barely make out the green neutral indicator. any ideas?
Well asuming all your conections are tight battery is charged checked all fuses kill is in on possition is it clicking or anything?
Just tried it again gauge needles dont even flip now just the high beam indicator on when using low beams, I hear something clicking which I assume is the starter solenoid when I press te starter button but nothing else. I will leave it on charge overnight as I dont have the use of a voltmeter and see what happens intnhe morning
^^^that. without a voltmeter, kinda hard to tell. take it out and take it to a car parts store...they will test the battery for you for free.
Ok I got my meter from the shop today and opened up the bike and found nothing wrong with the battery (12.9V). Moved the battery forward and noticed the chasis ground connector was a 'little' bit rusted. After I cleaned it up and tightened it back down she fired straight up,never been so happy to have a corroded terminal in my life.
This is my first Buell and we have no HD dealer down here and no real shop qualified bike mechanics, so you will probably see a few other questions from me as the previous owner of this bike did no maintenance other than change the engine oil as best as I can tell. Thanks for all the swift responses.

Time to check my muffler bearings :D
After I cleaned it up and tightened it back down she fired straight up,never been so happy to have a corroded terminal in my life.
Be sure to coat it with dielectric or electrical contact grease - seems like they corrode back again faster after being cleaned.