Sir: the stamped word IN designates high pressure fuel going INTO the filter assembly from the electric pump motor. Other end of filter is the outlet port.
2010 pump assembly UNIQUE to 2010 XB model year ONLY. The wiring harness is detachable....the duty cycle completely different from all other XB's.....the pump relies on pulse width modulation(PWM) from the ECM to control flow, pump speed and pump pressure. 2010 XB pump assembly as well as ECM must be precisely matched. You should have been informed of this 2 months ago.
Hello, I have news, I mounted the new fuel pump, and the bike has worked very well, it goes perfect, I have not made a log, I have to do more tests but I am very happy with the result, it seems that the ecm does not fail, but it is strange that now the air sensor works well, as you remember gave me bad readings, but so far has not given me bad data.
It could be that the ecm fails randomly.
I also want to say one thing, the fuel pump I bought was the cheapest on ebay, of Chinese origin, about 35 dollars or so, curious that the bike works with that, but it is very low quality compared to the original, I do not like how it looks, and the filter is different but it does not fit in the base or in the chassis must be bent and adapt it and it looks very bad, but at least I could do the test.
I have decided to buy a better pump of origin and its gasoline filter too.
Now that I know that it was the failure it is better to put something of quality.
Who knows, maybe with the fuel pump from China it would have worked for months or years but I am not calm and I could not sleep well at night. :afán: