Buell xb12r code 21 - after market exhaust.

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May 5, 2017
Hello, So I am new to this community, so I don't really know how things work here.

I just bought a 2007 xb12r and will be selling my 1125r. (If anyone wants an 1125r, just hit me up). The xb12r had the check engine light on and the only code I cannot get to go away is the code 21. Interactive exhaust open. I have never had to mess with this on any other bike or car that I have owned. So I did some research and found that this is used in the stock exhaust system. But I was going to check the cable tension and everything to see if I couldn't passive the ecm and get the light to go out, because the bike has an after market exhaust (Jardine). So I removed the air case and I found there was no cable.

So my first question is, does the bike need this valve if there is an aftermarket exhaust?

Second Question, how can I get the ECM from displaying an error and get the check engine light to go off?
you have a few issues that need addressed though your thread content a bit ambiguous. will attempt to resolve as follows:
1-all 1203cc XB models have interactive exhaust. it consists of 4 components: ecm programmed for same....actuator drive box which sits atop the airbox inner cover....drive cable...muffler with interactive exhaust power valve.
2-any failure even intermittent in the actuator box, cable or valve will dump fault code into your ecm and activate the CEL.
3-"so my first question is".......ambiguous. do you or do you NOT have stock XB12 muffler installed?
4-when installing aftermarket muffler on an XB12 that muffler will typically NOT have an interactive power valve. when that's the case it is highly recommended that you purchase "ecm accessing goodies" to gain access to your ecm. that access will enable you to , among many other things, clear any and all stored fault codes and DEACTIVATE the interactive exhaust feature. this will terminate your CEL(check engine light) and clear the codes.
5-in all likelihood a problematic chain-of-events lead you to this situation as follows: prior owner dicking with bike who was clueless to the inner workings of the XB models. the actuator drive box stripped its internal gears for 1 or more reasons....very common. the PO then instead of properly addressing the given problem just removed the drive cable and took a chance this would resolve the issue. clearly it did not.
Thank you! Sorry for not being specific enough.

You were 100% correct with number 4. The bike has an after market jardine exhaust. The guy before said he had it "professionally" installed. I question the job because the CEL was on. I was thinking this feature was only in the stock muffler.

I do have ecm spy and I was using it to clear the codes and that code was the only one to not clear. I currently only have the demo version. What would it cost for to get the data activation (is it worth it to fix just this issue?)

I have never had to program an ecm before, what would I need to look for? Is there going to be a radio button to turn of that monitoring system?
my pleasure. you need to seek out one of the board ecm gurus. i am not one of them though i do know the basics. you'll need the ecmspy purchased program which personally i find outstanding. with that you can not only resolve your existing dilemna but perform many other tasks too lengthy to list here. 2 of particular interest to you would of course be the deactivation feature of the interactive exhaust system....the other being the installation of a generic "race map" which will enhance your firebolts' performance. without doing the former you'll continue to be plagued with the CEL as well as stored historic fault code 21 and probably others. some use a dongle, ecmspy, laptop or their phone.......i prefer an old PC running windows XP that i have in my shop with paid version of ecmspy installed. it's what works well for me....more tech savvy types find this method not only archaic but repulsive. i'm an elder statesman so could give a **** less what they think.....plus they need to stay off my lawn!!!!!
Code 21 is indeed for the interactive exhaust. The CEL is coming on because you don't have the valve on your Jardine. You can use ECMSpy to have the ECM "ignore" that code and no longer set the CEL. I specifically don't know step-by-step, because I am fluent in ECMDroid, but I assure you it is in the INSTRUCTIONS for how to use ECMSpy.

You can do the same thing with ECMDroid (it's free), and it's pretty self-explanatory since you hate to read instructions. I got mine from Buelltooth.com

Question..."I was using it to clear the codes and that code was the only one to not clear". Repeatedly clearing codes until they don't return is not fixing the bike, or the reasons the codes are there.

BTW. The way it works here (and thanks for asking) is to please use the search function to research the forum for the good information it has before you ask a question that has been asked repetitively, like this one.

And get off my lawn too!!!:black_eyed:
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You have a way to clear codes so you have a way to turn it off. Using ecmspy - go to diagnostic tab, on right side is the check box to turn it off, then you need to burn that change to the ECM IIRC.
Thanks for the help guys! I really appreciate it!

I realize just hitting reset isn't fixing anything, but that was just the short way of telling you that what I was trying, wasn't getting the alarm to clear. I am very new to messing with any ecm, so any instructions I have found had either lost me, or requires more "privileges ". Do I was trying to figure out what is the most effective way of getting the job done, you know, learn from others mistakes.

Thanks again guys, I'll look forward Messing with this next week. And I'll try to not clutter your trends with repeated issues.
No worries JerBearS. Honestly if you're just learning ECM's, and looking for mostly diagnostic help and maybe loading a performance fuel map, let me suggest ECMDroid for you.

I am still learning ECMSpy as well, and there are many things it does that can be useful but 9 Buells later and I haven't needed to use them yet.
Here is the list of all XB ECM's

BUECB XB9 - model year 2003
BUEGB XB - model year 2004
BUEIB XB - model years 2005-2007
B2RIB XB - model years 2005-2007 (Factory Race ECM)
BUEIC XB - model years 2005-2007 (Japan only)
BUEOD XB - model years 2008 and later
BUEWD XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later
BUEYD XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later
BUEZD XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later
BUE1D XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later
B3R1D XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later (EBR Race ECM)
BUE2D XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later
BUE3D XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later
B3R3D XB, 1125 - model years 2008 and later (EBR Race ECM)

Of all those, buelltooth only offers a comparable map for BUE2D and BUEGB. Buellmods files are all .txt format. OP has an 07 so BUEIB ECM, no .xpr files available.

I was just genuinely curious if you had access to more files as I can't find them and the "hot new thing" is a bluetooth dongle/ECMDriod, which will leave all but owners of 2 ECM types screwed if they thought they were going to be able to flash a map... (which i'm dealing with helping a fellow forum member with right now)

I have found a way to make compatible .xpr files but can only do so for BUEIB model ECM's because it involves using the bike and that is the ECU I have (involves much more than that). The ones that are profiting off of these dongles should really take the time to put together a database for ALL ECM's or not promote that this is one of the capabilities one could do once they buy said dongle.

In theory I could do all DDFI2 EEPROM files in the .xpr format but I'm not going to risk my ECM to try it!

Sorry if this feels like a rant toward you, it is not I promise. You just promoted the use of ECMDroid so seemed like you may have the answers I need, and Cole won't write back to my questions.:confused:
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No worries Lowkey I certainly didn't take it as a rant:) But I do like a good rant now and again! (Guilty):black_eyed:
I have nothing to do with that company. I find it a very helpful resource and pretty complete in offering most all of the open source Buell stuff in one location. Same reason I send people to Buellmods.com, twinmotorcycles.com, and now sphdonline.com:)up:)...
IMHO, Since their only business is selling the Buelltooth dongles, (And I really don't know how much they are "profiting" at $45 each for a niche motorcycle part), I think they just need to sell a product that works and their business is done. I don't believe the dongles capability of changing fuel maps means they need to have every single firmware map available on their site? It's just a communication device. Everything else on there is free... I like free! I'm just telling people where to get what they asked for. You don't need to buy a dongle.

Seriously, in the just the last week(!!) the 'Mr 2 post' people have asked for how-to vids:
​Buell Tuning Guide V2.0
​ECMspy Tuning Guide V1.6 by Steve Turnbull.
TunerPro RT Instruction Manual for Buell Motorcycles by Jared Zuech

TunerPro RT
XPR Fuel and Timing Maps Extractor
XDF Definition Files for TunerPro
ADX Definition Files for TunerPro

Manuals (Buellmods has more), ASB exhaust shootouts, and lots of pre-existing tunes for common exhaust options too. I highly doubt that Buelltooth.com does any dyno or build fuel maps from scratch, I know Dean does that and I send people his way for legit "tuning". "Tuning" gets thrown around incorrectly way too much but thats a whole other topic for people who should get paid for a very valuable skill and time investment. You don't need one of those if you buy a Jardine, it's been done before, 15 years ago...in a galaxy far...far...away...:eagerness:

What I would really like to see is the firmware change to get to open-source (that guy got quiet:(), so the older versions could be upgraded to BUE2D (at least) without the nightmare I just went through at H-D:mad-new: Lots of those firmwares were "glitchy" (Ahem... AFV values...) hence the superseding to BUE2D.

If you can't find the BUEID fuel map you want, you could have H-D change the firmware to BUE2D. Or ask the sources that have other maps (like Buelltooth)? I've never asked before but maybe they have the capability to change it? or a map they haven't linked too yet? Dunno, but worth an ask....

As far as ECMDroid, I tell the new kids it's better for them because it is MUCH easier to use, the safeties are in place to stop them from installing the wrong firmware tune (TunerPro and ECMSpy don't have that) and because even diagnosis and datalogging are easier to do wirelessly to your phone or tablet vs. a laptop and cable in your backpack. Theres less options to adjust, but that's less to mess up too!

All these are opinions. YMMV.
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So, what I think I was able to understand out of all that great information from both of you was that, for my 07 12ss I need something called a bue1b, and for the 08 ully, I need a ????????, I don't know ! But I do already have a droid device. So yes, I'm one of those that need a to be spoon fed, sorry, my excuse is zero, I'm old !
Wow, so touchy, was it something I said ? please don't use the term derail, when it comes to me. I'm just kidding ! I understand that you don't want to deal with the ignorant, it's too much to teach and for some, too much to learn, I'll do my best to try and stay out of it, I promise !

My neighbor is a computer whiz, he's educanating me.
I get the 'loco' now! haha Both lowkey and I answered you then kept rambling amongst ourselves, sorry.

Cooter: "Code 21 is indeed for the interactive exhaust. The CEL is coming on because you don't have the valve on your Jardine. You can use ECMSpy to have the ECM "ignore" that code and no longer set the CEL. I specifically don't know step-by-step, because I am fluent in ECMDroid, but I assure you it is in the INSTRUCTIONS for how to use ECMSpy.

You can do the same thing with ECMDroid (it's free), and it's pretty self-explanatory since you hate to read instructions. I got mine from Buelltooth.com"

"You have a way to clear codes so you have a way to turn it off. Using ecmspy - go to diagnostic tab, on right side is the check box to turn it off, then you need to burn that change to the ECM IIRC."
You got it Cooter !

Under your and John's recommendations, I'm waiting for AZ to make a Bluetooth for me, I already have the droids. Hopefully my neighbor can teach me the rest, he's pretty good when it comes to computer stuff. I'm like you, keep it simple !
Wow, so touchy, was it something I said ? please don't use the term derail, when it comes to me. I'm just kidding ! I understand that you don't want to deal with the ignorant, it's too much to teach and for some, too much to learn, I'll do my best to try and stay out of it, I promise !

You misunderstand, I was talking about the conversation I struck up with Cooter and that I was moving it onto a new thread is all. What is it you would like to know?