Buell xb12r code 21 - after market exhaust.

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No man really, I appreciate the offer, I'll learn by reading what you guys say to each other and on the searches I do. I kind of enjoy seeing just how much I've missed by not learning computers awhile ago, but I'll pick up on it.

I won't be bashful when I need to ask something.

Hey guys! So the ECMDroid worked great! I loved it.

I might have screwed something up though. I didn't see anything way to just ignore the code like you guys were talking about. I did find that if I turned the exhaust valve off, or turned the actuator off, the code would not return. So I ended up leaving the exhaust valve on, and the actuator off.

My first question is, was this a good way to do it?

The reason I ask: Tonight, I went on a launch break and when I tried to start my bike, I got a lot of clicking. Sounded just like this, but after a few seconds, it started up and sounded great.


I have heard this is due to a grounding issue, or a bad relay.

However, Not even 7 min later, I was driving (normal RPM ~2.1k) and the bike lunges twice, (as if it miss fired) and the check engine light came on, and then turned off. The bike missed several times on the ride, and even backfired when I came to a turnpike. (I assume it was a backfire, it was a very loud bang).

I decided to take the bike home, (this was about 15 min into the ride). I arrived at my place 25 min into the ride, and she just dies. The digital Odometer reading just goes blank. I turn the key off, and the fan sound pretty quite compared to normal. Turned the key back on, and she still has no readings. Went inside to get the ECMDroid. Plugged it in, and turned the key on, the odometer reading was back, when trying to start, It would just click. The code log only had two codes. 16: low voltage, and 21: acm stuck open.

Why would low voltage cause miss-firing and back-firing? And why did the code 21 come back? (To clarify, the code was in the history, it wasn't currently on. The check engine light would only come on for a few seconds and then go off.)

I have the bike charging tonight, will be out of town this week, and will come back and try to fix the starting issues. Is there anything I should look at for the missing?
First thing I would do is, no matter what they look like visually, take the grounds off, clean them well, apply a anti corrosive to them and the grounding point on the frame. Your already charging the battery. Start here up and see what happens
I might have screwed something up though. I didn't see anything way to just ignore the code like you guys were talking about.

you NEVER ignore fault codes. you identify the code according to its number....you locate the culprit causing the fault code....you repair/replace the guilty culprit.....you clear the stored fault code...you road test to see if diagnosis and repair were successful. that's the order of business.

and THIS is precisely WHY i caution novices on screwing around with their ecm units! and to answer your question....yes....you did screw something up!
again....the 2nd paragraph of your latest post is confusing. if using ecmspy the procedure goes like this:
go to diagnostics....find all stored fault codes....clear all stored fault codes.
go to diagnostics....find little check box for "disable interactive exhaust feature"...and check the box.
this shuts down the "interactive exhaust" feature of your ecm.
if it were my buell i'd remove the interactive actuator box assy. which sits atop your airbox inner lid.
code #16---low voltage/charging system/battery failure fault code
DO NOT go any further till this is resolved. anything else you do prior to resolving this is pointless. will be 1 or more of the following so all need to be accurately checked. if you do NOT know the procedures get help. running an XB with either a charging system problem or battery problem is a sure-fire way to cause very serious component problems:
faulty battery---have it load tested following a full charge
loose/corroded/cracked battery cable-to-terminal connections
failed charging system one or more components
blown battery fuse in fuse box
failed grounds
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^^^^ +1 and very well written John like always. All John's procedures in all his posts are very simple and easy to follow. If you find them hard then you shouldn't dive into your bike. John will tell you he is not the man on ECM's but there are SOME guys that are AZmidget being one of them. Now let me tell you if you are not going to listen to him he will not waste his time and I don't blame him. I would not go any further until you get the voltage problem fixed.
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I might have screwed something up though. I didn't see anything way to just ignore the code like you guys were talking about.

you NEVER ignore fault codes. you identify the code according to its number....you locate the culprit causing the fault code....you repair/replace the guilty culprit.....you clear the stored fault code...you road test to see if diagnosis and repair were successful. that's the order of business.

and THIS is precisely WHY i caution novices on screwing around with their ecm units! and to answer your question....yes....you did screw something up!
again....the 2nd paragraph of your latest post is confusing. if using ecmspy the procedure goes like this:
go to diagnostics....find all stored fault codes....clear all stored fault codes.
go to diagnostics....find little check box for "disable interactive exhaust feature"...and check the box.
this shuts down the "interactive exhaust" feature of your ecm.
if it were my buell i'd remove the interactive actuator box assy. which sits atop your airbox inner lid.
code #16---low voltage/charging system/battery failure fault code
DO NOT go any further till this is resolved. anything else you do prior to resolving this is pointless. will be 1 or more of the following so all need to be accurately checked. if you do NOT know the procedures get help. running an XB with either a charging system problem or battery problem is a sure-fire way to cause very serious component problems:
faulty battery---have it load tested following a full charge
loose/corroded/cracked battery cable-to-terminal connections
failed charging system one or more components
blown battery fuse in fuse box
failed grounds

Sorry for the delay response, Just got back from vacation.

I am a little confused on where I lost you. The first line says " I got the ECMDroid and love it." The ECMSpy wouldn't let me do anything with out the datasheets. and I was recommended to use ECMDroid over the ECMSpy. So I did. I hooked up the ECMDroid and saw the codes. I was addressing the codes as illustrated in the manual. (They say you address the code with the lowest number first.) this being the 16 code. I was checking to see if the stator was giving voltage back to the battery. (THIS IS ALL BACKSTORY TO THE FIRST TIME:) After charging the battery, I found the battery to show 14V when started. There were no more errors expect the 21 exhaust failure.

NOW: I posted because I disabled the exhaust actuator. (I could not find any feature on the ECMDroid to just turn off a fault code). I have been riding the bike 3 weeks with no error light coming on at all. (As you know, the error 21 should come on instantly). But after that ride last tuesday, the codes 16 and 21 were on the ECM. but Was not a current error, it was only stored in the ECM memory.

UPDATE: I got home this morning and made sure the bike was fully charged. Started it up and there wasn't any clicking but the running Bike only had a voltage at 12.2V. I went to check the Battery terminals, and found both thermals to be very loose. Tighten them down, and the voltage then showed 14V. and she ran like a champ for 3 hours straight.

QUESTION: Now here is the only question I have. Did I "disable" the error code correctly using ECMDroid? Let me repeat, There currently is NO error codes on the ECM. No codes have been ignored, all issues have been addressed. HOWEVER, the exhaust actuator is disabled in the ECM.

On a side note, I am trying to find driver pegs for the buell xb12r and xb9r. Someone was nice enough to drop by bike on both sides and break both pegs. I guess the pegs are really easy to break? I need a total of 3 pegs. (2 left side and 1 right side). I am just using the passenger pegs, but I would prefer to get the spring loaded feature back.

Thank you so much guys!!

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