Buell XB9 not getting fuel

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I have a fuel injector cleaner...Schraeder valve sealed to a tube from a can of carb cleaner...Connect injector to schraeder valve...pressurize with a bit of carb cleaner and energize the injector....injectors sprayed beautifully. Im confident every one of the mechanical components to the fuel system is sound. Just need to figure out the electronics.

Im going to order one of the Bluetooth ECM Droid dongles....Ive read some good things about the Android ECMDroid app. Since i work of a Mac computer I can use the app on my phone.
I have a fuel injector cleaner...Schraeder valve sealed to a tube from a can of carb cleaner...Connect injector to schraeder valve...pressurize with a bit of carb cleaner and energize the injector....injectors sprayed beautifully. Im confident every one of the mechanical components to the fuel system is sound. Just need to figure out the electronics.

Im going to order one of the Bluetooth ECM Droid dongles....Ive read some good things about the Android ECMDroid app. Since i work of a Mac computer I can use the app on my phone.

That sounds good , I quess what I am questioning is when did you clean them ? Correct me if I am not following correctly , It sounds like you cleaned them at the start and then you found a bad pump with junk in you tank and possible in your in your injectors after you cleaned them. Have you put a volt meter at your injector confections to see if you are getting a impulse signal to operate ?
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I have a fuel injector cleaner...Schraeder valve sealed to a tube from a can of carb cleaner...Connect injector to schraeder valve...pressurize with a bit of carb cleaner and energize the injector....injectors sprayed beautifully. Im confident every one of the mechanical components to the fuel system is sound. Just need to figure out the electronics.

Im going to order one of the Bluetooth ECM Droid dongles....Ive read some good things about the Android ECMDroid app. Since i work of a Mac computer I can use the app on my phone.

Get the dongle, it has a function where it can fire the front or rear injector independently so you can check them out.

I've seen the video where they do the same injector cleaning method that you used. Do you have any further details of your setup?
Alright fellas, I'm back!
Got my bluetooth dongle in the mail today, was just fooling around with it. Hoping some of you are familiar with Ecmdroid.
Went to the active tests tab, and tested out all the equipment in there. Both injectors will click when tested, the fuel pump fires up no problem, but I knew those were all fine anyways.
I went ahead and did a TPS reset a couple times...not quite sure if I've done it right or not, or if I can even do it without the bike running. The bike will cough and sputter a bit now when i try to turn it over.

I really have no clue what to look at now, or how to tell if the ecm is functioning properly.

I did look at my trouble codes, and it is registering one fault: Air Temperature too high/short to ground
I have no idea where I'm supposed to have the idle screw at

that right there is the problem. it is THE key element in a tps reset for a 2006 XB. that statement just confirmed what i mentioned earlier: your problems lie with a botched tps reset procedure.
Go to the menu and then "Data channels". If TPS voltage isn't reading already (I believe its a default), you can get it by touching any parameter and then selecting it.

Do NOT mess with the idle screw... If you have already then get the manual (from the same website you got the Buelltooth and ECMDroid from) to get the correct procedure.

By now, there is a very strong possibility you have also fouled the plugs. Remove them BOTH, clean, dry, re-install.
Heres what I've done: Backed the idle screw out(counter clockwise) until it no longer comes in contact with the stopper. Im confirming this by snapping the throttle and listening for the stopper hitting the idle screw. I then hit TPS reset. From here I adjust the idle screw. So far I have been the closest to having it start with the TPD sitting at a value of about 3.5.

Ive watched the Dan video on how to reset the TPS using ECM spy. I see in the video that he backs out the idle adjuster another 2 turns after it reaches zero. However, this is done on a bike that is already in running condition.

I don't know what I'm missing here...
I'm at a loss....I don't know what I could be doing wrong.

I must have gone through this same procedure 25 times today.

Followed this...

Still nothing...If I turn the TPD down to 2.7-3.0, the bike seems to want to go...just on the verge of starting.
I took out the plugs and as Cooter suggested, they were fouled, so I threw in another set....not brand new, but better.
Could the fuel map in this thing somehow have gotten messed up?

So lost....getting ready to load this thing up and push it over a cliff
This process seems way to easy for me to be messing it up, that I'm beginning to be convinced its something else. Lunatic, I followed your process to a 'T'. Still nothing. If I turn the to TPD up to 5.1, it barely coughs, if I turn it down to 2.5, its on the verge of starting.
The one thing I'm wondering about is the TPS Voltage. I believe i saw in Dan's video that when adjusting the idle screw it should read 0....If I turn the screw completely out ECMdroid tells me it never registers below .70

I've ordered a new set of plugs, they're on the way, but Im completely convinced they are not playing a role in this, as the bike continues to fire when a little bit of fuel is squirted down the throttle body.

The bike's CEL is off, it has fuel in the tank.
I live just outside Toronto, Ontario...Is there anyone in the GTA that might be able to help?
this all reverts back to what i advised you on the 13th. i think you're losing sight of the original problem which is the injectors NOT being triggered. you claim you have fuel to them....you claim you have combustion spark at the correct time....you confirmed all this by flooding the TB with fuel and having the motor start and run. clearly fuel delivery problem. the injectors are not being "signaled" to open and close by the ecm. something went wildly askew when you ran the bike out of fuel. not being there to personally trouble-shoot it i can't provide any further help other than to recommend checking for fault codes....confirming the BAS is functional....confirming that your ecm has not failed.