I have a feeling that this season will be a very odd one, and I welcome it!
The story about EIKR, I scheduled a group of fiends to go for a birthday party the night before thanksgiving in '10. About 20 people showed up and we were setting the monthly records. I paid for an ironman endurance race to be held a couple days after that christmas.
Anyhow, me (kart3) and another guy (Kart2) were being blocked (kart1) on the back straight for a few laps. Until I was able to push the guy in front of me past the guy that was blocking us. This was on the back straight entering the 3 chicanes. So kart 2 has finally made it past kart1, so I leave enough room for kart1 to get back in the racing line between kart 2 and me (kart3). Kart1 decided to ignore than and try to push kart2 out of the way, making him (kart1) hit the second chicane and go airborn.
I did my best to avoid hitting kart1, but I clipped him with my left front of the kart and my leg spinning him 180 degrees mid air. During this, I saw my left shoe fly off and I caught it. Looked in the shoe, didnt see a foot and kept on racing. First braking corner theres not brakes... I thought to myself, well the kart doesnt look that messed up... So I scrub off the speed and go into the next braking corner... At this time I see that my foot is literally flopping around when I attempt push the brake pedal down.
I pull up my pant leg and see my tibia sticking out of my leg, through my sock. Instant reaction, touch it. (it feels like a hard frog) I'm continuing on my journey back to the pits waiving my shoe at the owner and the track operators "Heres my shoe and I dont have brakes!" I shouted to them as I passed them.
I make it back to the pits and attempt to walk, hit my head on the podium and a friend grabs a hold of me and walks me out to the lobby area. I'm sitting at the table with my tibia chillin outside of my skin, and about 20 people around me just staring. The owners daughter (also the nurse) says she has to look st it and take a written statement for the police... Meh, I know I have to go to the hospital, but why bother coming back at a later time. It didn't hurt anyhow, it felt warm and similar to a bee sting.
Ambulances were about 45 minutes away, so we talked to the police and set up a caravan for a friend to drive me, gf to hold my leg in one piece and kart1 driver bringing my car to the hospital. We made it there in 15 minutes, averaging 135. At this time I could feel the bone snapping back and forth against itself over every bump. Still, not hurting all that badly.
We get to the hospital, I get in a wheelchair and go to the desk... The lady behind the counter had this look on her face like, "Take a number". I sternly looked at her and told her that my bone is sticking out of my leg. She points towards the ER rooms and says take room one, dont worry about the paperwork yet.
There is a ton of more fun I had in the hospital. (7 total hot nurses) and I didn't walk for nearly 6 months. I now have a 20" titanium rod in my left leg from my knee to my ankle with 4 screws. I am still dealing with a lot of pain everyday due to having a staph infection in my bone, but I am just glad to be able to keep my leg.