Buellers without Buells...

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
I wanted to see if there were any others guys/gals out there like me who love Buell and are active in the Buell community, yet don't have a Buell...yet.

I am definitely one. I LOVE Buell, and I want one so badly. Unfortunately coming out of a private college and trying to find a real job makes it hard to invest in something to expensive.

But i will be patient, and my time will come.

I would love to hear from you other people and why you dont have one yet.
there has been a lot of members in your position.the good news is they all wound up getting a buell.
I hope to me one of those members anarkizm. I cant decide between a lightning or bolt. not that I can buy anytime soon. After seeing anarkizm's bike i have been on the fence.
yeah there's been a lot of people here who don't have them. it's always good to join a forum before you buy a bike so you see what you're getting into. I joined the forum in January or February of last year and didn't get one until June. It's for sale now though, in case you'd like to buy it :D
Agreed, I have learned a TON since joining the forum without even having the bike. I know i will be making the right decision.

Which one are you selling? and why? If its still around this winter, who knows...i may be the buyer!
Can I come in here? I have an XB12, but it has been broken for the last 6 weeks. I love Buell, but have not ridden a Buell in WEEKS
Thats brutal. What's worse...not having one at all, or having one, seeing it every day, but not being able to ride it.

Thats a tough call. An age-old question..
What's worse...not having one at all, or having one, seeing it every day, but not being able to ride it.

I have kids, does that count? no spot on the buell for the booster seats. I only get to ride on occasion.
It counts, but I would rank that third behind not having one and having one that is broken. Its a close third, though! :)
Started out on a Blast 'bout a year ago on Big Island. Now have a '04 gixxer 600 that I bought here in Portland 'cuz it was a deal I couldn't pass. Therefore I'm Buellless [sad] hopefully soon....

Although I have nothing against the gixxer speed wise [up][up] It's missing that fun factor
I sold my Buell for a KTM in February. Don't regret the decision, but I do miss the bike. Still active in the community, though. Too good to leave.
What model KTM? they put out some sick looking bikes. Its hard to not love this Buell community.
2010 KTM 990 Adventure R. I missed having an adventure bike, and I'm glad to have one back in my garage. The Buell was great, but my motorcycle interests do not really fall under the purview of street bikes.
What's worse...not having one at all, or having one, seeing it every day, but not being able to ride it.

Having one you can't ride is definitely worse. The longing to have a certain bike definitely sucks, but nothing is worse than staring at a bike you can't ride, getting more and more pissed every time you try to fix it and get no where. At least while you're waiting to get a bike you've got a couple thousand in the bank which is something to feel good about. Having a non working bike is just a waste.
That's a pretty compelling argument, upthemaiden.

I think either one sucks, really. haha
so what's wrong with it? or is it a money thing? I've been in both places before and know how it feels, but that's one of the reasons I joined this forum. The community here is a great bunch of people. Got problems? Somebody here has the answer! Need parts? Somebody here has used parts for sale cheaper than anywhere else. I started riding when I was 12 yrs old on a dirt bke. One of the things that always got me, no matter what state I was in or what brand I was riding, was the comraderie of bikers. That's this forum, just magnafied a hundred times over. Good luck with getting the bike up.
Agreed, this community is half the reason I want to have a Buell. There is always someone on here that is willing to help you out, no doubt.
I pulled the trigger blindly. Alot of people here have followed Buells for YEARS, and then bought into it when the XB's or 1125's came out. I honestly never even heard of a Buell until about a week before I bought one. Best blind decision I ever made, wish they all turned out this way.

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