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Buellxb Forum

Help Support Buellxb Forum:

the site is recieveing a ton of traffic right now but everything seems to be stable. last I checked there were over 1200 people on the site and a lot of registered users. I may try updating the core of the site tonight so it may be offline for a little bit.
crxtasy169, what browser are you using and will it even let you start the download? I have been able to download it.
Checked the website stats today, 50,000 users used ie8, 20,000 used firefox and the rest trailed off. People have viewed it from: badweb 3 time, 30,000 times from here, Many from google searches including overseas. I may have to upgrade the server it I keep getting this kind of traffic. Tomorrow I will be adding a TON of articles. If anyone is interested in helping out let me know, this site will be a great addition to buellxb.com and I will keep buellxb as the forum for the site. Thanks for all the help so far, it is much needed!
What all do you need help with?

Also - I extrapolated the race fuel and timing maps from the race eeprom text file and have it in MSQ format if you would like it (for 05 xb12 - but since it's just the fuel and timing it'll work for them all).

I also have a bue1b eeprom with the race maps already copied into it if you'd like. Buell mods won't let me upload them due to format.

Great work so far![up]

EDIT: Going to make a vid tonight of how to convert from stock maps to race maps - we'll see how it turns out. I'll be sure to send you the youtube link after I get it all edited and uploaded.
Buell Meets Calendar is live, test it out if you can. This is will an exceptional tool! Mac/iPhone/Mobile Me guys: you can get the iCal version of the calendar as well!
Just realized that you have a link for 50Dro sliders on there!![up] Thanks for the plug!
just some friendly Criticism here, but just so you know I kinda like the ideal of your site, but at the bottom where it gives source from here, it needs to say BUELLXB.com not just BuellXB as alot people may not know of BuellXB.com website.(especially if they don'tscroll over and/or click the link it has). you need to give full credit where credit is due, and also it took Steven a while to compile all those websites and make that thread here on BUELLXB.com, I also hope that you have got permissiuon to repost it and any other info/ threads from the original writers from here on BUELLXB.com along with the administrer (buellxb).
in my opinion , as to not to take away from this site(BUELLXB.com) or detour someone from this buellxb.com site and all that it has took to build and make it what it has become today and in the future, alot of people here have put in alot of time and knowlege and some even money to to make it the best buell site on the internet hands down.
.my opinion would be to just provide a link to the threads & info on here , that like the ones you already have there, just have the link give a good explaination as what the link may contain and where it was from originally..

think abouit it if some one googles something that was ORIGINALLY written here at BUELLXB.com and your site is the one that comes up in google search , in my opinion that would take away and/ or detour some one from BuellXB.com the original info/ threads and links. i know that you want it to compilment Buellxb.com (i like that part of it & the extra stuff you will eventually have there)
but when you take something from here it in turn takes away from buellxb.com.
Thanks for looking out nativeXb12Rbuell.

I don't want to hurt or stifle anyone's creativity when it comes to supporting the Buell community, BUT any and all content on Buellxb.com is the property of this site and it's members. I have not given any permission to copy threads, posts or content on another website. If you choose to do so please place a followed text link back to the original thread or post on that page. Please honor this request as I am allowing you to heavily promote and push your new project on this site. Thank you for your consideration.
Also it is not cool to embed the buellxb.com forum into a frame. Please simply place text links back to this website if you want to share. Google will see duplicate content on your website to a major degree and possibly crawl new content on this forum on your forum first.

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